
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

26 Mar 2009

Thanking Hashem for the Mundane

The other day, I moved my fridge to do a thorough cleaning before Pesach. After I moved it, I didn't hear the motor running, and thought that I might have broken it, but, thankfully, I soon heard the reassuring noises of a functioning fridge. Two days later, I was using my vacuum cleaner and it stopped when I accidentally pulled out the plug. It got me to thinking on how I take things for granted. Did I ever stop to thank Hashem for a functioning fridge? Last month, I posted a poem entitled "Thank you Hashem", written by an 11 year old girl. You can click here to read the poem. Since then, I have been walking around with an attitude of gratitude to Hashem.

The other night, I went for a walk and came across a deaf couple signing each other and I looked up to the sky and said, "Thank you Hashem, because I can hear." As I proceeded down the block, I heard the sounds of a classical piece of music being played by a professional pianist. Again, I thanked Hashem for being able to hear the music. Let's thank Hashem for the big things, as well as the minor things, including a working vacuum cleaner, especially during the time of Pesach cleaning.

As you listen to the song below, please concentrate on the opening words, "My G-d, I thank you for your kindnesses". And thank Hashem for enabling you to hear the music.

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