
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

24 Mar 2009

Tehillim for imprisoned bochrim in Japan

"Rabbonim Shlita are calling on the tzibur to pour out its heart in tefillos and tehillim on Wednesday, erev rosh chodesh Nissan, Yom Kippur Katan, on behalf of the three bochrim imprisoned under extremely harsh conditions in Japan.
Gedolei Hador Shlita are calling on those who can to complete Sefer Tehillim on behalf of Yoel Zev ben Mirel Reesa Chava; Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel; and Yosef ben Ita Rivka.
The tefilla rally planned for Yerushalayim will get underway at 2:00pm in Meah Shearim."

"There is a custom in the month of Elul which is a good custom to embrace. Some have the custom to read 10 Perakim of Tehillim everyday after the Tefilah. If one were to do that in the month of Elul, which is 30 days, he could read a total of 300 Perakim of Tehilim, which is actually finishing the book twice. The word KAPER, which means atonement, is equivalent to the number 300."
Rabbi Eli Mansour www.dailyhalacha.com

I just need 15 people who visit this site to take upon themselves to recite 10 perakim of Tehilim and we will have recited the entire sefer. I sign up i"yh to recite Perakim 1 through 10 tomorrow, having in mind the speedy release from prison of the bochrim. Who will commit to Perakim 11-20?
UPDATE: SA is saying tehilim 11-20. Who will recite 21-30?
UPDATE: Shalom is saying 21-30. Who will recite 31-40?
UPDATE: Ruthi is reciting 31-40. Who will recite 41-50?
UPDATE: AB is reciting 41-50. Who will recite 51-60?
UPDATE: Tehilim 71-100 are taken.
UPDATE: HM is reciting 101-110.
UPDATE: CS is reciting 141-150.
UPDATE: Esti is reciting tehilim 51-60.
UPDATE: tehilim 111-140 have been said.
Baruch Hashem, someone volunteered to say perakim 51-70. Thanks to all who took part in reciting the entire Sefer Tehilim. May the bochrim merit a speedy release.

Leave a comment or email me at devorah@live.co.uk.

The following was emailed to me this morning.
"Please say tehillim and give tzedoka for the refuah shelama of 4 year old Avraham Moshe ben Miriam Toba who has cancer that spread to his brain and spine."


  1. I take upon myself beli neder to recite tehililm 11-20.

  2. I take upon myself beli neder to recite tehililm 21-30.

  3. I will blu neder recite tehilim 31-40.

  4. I will say iy"h tehilim 41-50

  5. I will say iy"h Tehilim 71-80.

  6. I will say iy"h tehilim 81-90

  7. I hope to say tehilim 91-100

  8. I will recite perakim 141-150, bli neder.

  9. I hope to say perakim 101-110

  10. I will recite tehilim 51-60.

  11. I think I'll be the brave one to take 111-120 (which includes the long perek of 119)

  12. I have recited tehilim 121-130.

  13. I have already said perakim 131-140
