
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

26 Jun 2017

Asks to pray

Jewish artist's minibus torched

The Blaze reports Orthodox Jewish girls school faces closure for refusing to teach children about homosexuality.

Pilot on shaking plane asks passengers to 'pray'

The Parah Adumah

Paula Stern has written an article titled A Soldier’s Mother: CNN’s Alternate Reality after CNN posted an article with the title Israel strikes Syrian military near Golan Heights.

The Washington Post puts the incident more in context with their headline Israel hits Syrian military targets after errant fire reaches its side of the Golan Heights.

Why Have 9 Neighbors Got Cancer?

Amazon Removes Pro-Israel Book, Continues Selling Pro-Palestinian Apparel

Near tragedy in Samaria after child falls into recycling bin

The Chida explains, the first letters of the words, "LaTamai MeAfar Serayfas HaChatas" can be arranged to spell "Shlomo", and since he found an allusion to his name in the Parsha of Parah Adumah, he assumed that with proper diligence he could understand its meaning and significance. The Gemara Rosh Hashanah (21b) explains the pasuk, "Koheles (Shlomo) sought to find words of delight" to mean that Shlomo wanted to be equal in wisdom to Moshe. However, a Bas Kol responded, "VeKasuv Yashar Divrei Emes" - "What is written in Sefer Devarim (which is known as "Sefer Hayashar") are words of truth." And in Sefer Devarim it states, "Never again has there arisen in Klal Yisroel a Navi like Moshe."

The Bas Kol can be explained to mean," VeKasuv Yashar" - "That which is written in the proper order is "Divrei Emes" - "Words of truth". Therefore, while there is indeed a hint to Shlomo's name in the parsha, the letters in sequence do not spell "Shlomo", but rather "LeMoshe" - "To Moshe" - meaning that the understanding of the Parah Adumah was revealed only to Moshe and no one else.

24 Jun 2017

The deleted article

A few news outlets have published about a CNN article that was later deleted, with CNN apologizing to the subject of the article.
American Lookout has posted the retraction with the article that has been deleted along with a statement, "This record will remain forever.."
It gives us pause to examine our words before we speak or write, knowing that the record will remain forever.

Will you help Rabbi Kanievsky's book be published?

How can we say that Parah Adumah is a Chok and it has no reason? Rashi says in the name of Rebbi Moshe Hadarshan that the Parah Adumah is a Kapara for the Chet HaEgel. The mother cow comes and cleans up the mess of its calf. Is cleaning up our greatest aveira not reason enough?

The answer given by the mefarshim is that the Chet HaEgel was a lapse of emunah on the part of the Bnei Yisroel. Since they could not comprehend what was happening they demanded an intermediary that can help them. They refused to rely on Hashem. They wanted to see and understand their direction. Therefore by accepting the mitzva of Parah Adumah without understanding it rectifies the Chet HaEgel. The kapara of Chet HaEgel is a by product of a mitzva without a reason and not the reason itself. 

22 Jun 2017

Double standard at play?

Parashat Korah: The Flowers and the Fruit

Newsweek has published an article titled TEL AVIV DIARY: WHY IS ISRAEL SO CORRUPT?

After reading the title I asked myself whether Newsweek has the same question about any other country and I see that someone commented about that at the end of the article.

Where's his report on the corruption in all the Arab/Muslim countries, the current and former Soviet block countries, and the various dictatorships across the planet. Or this this just another case of the double standard at play, where Israel is helped to standards that are not applied to anyone else?

Below is an excerpt from another comment.

Yet according to Transparency International Israel ranks fairly low in the corruption scale - ranked the 28th least corrupt country out of 176 countries. Schulman does not reference any of the intensive studies done by Transparency International, the OECD or other credible bodies...

Extra virgin olive oil staves off Alzheimer's, preserves memory, new study shows

Science and Scientism

19 Jun 2017


Moral Relativism and Ethical Inversion in Gaza

Palestinians Seek To Claim Meoras Hamachpelah As World Heritage Site

Moshe Rabbeinu tells Korach that if he is right, Hashem will create a new phenomenon and the earth will open its mouth and all the sinners will be swallowed. If not, then we know that Hashem did not send Moshe. Where did Moshe get this idea from?

Rav Shimshon Pincus explains that the Torah tells us (Korach 17:5), "V'Lo Sihiyeh K'Korach ViChaAdaso", we should not engage in Machlokes like Korach. The gemara (Sanhedrin 110a) says that if you enter a Machlokes, you are oveir a Lav. This issur, says Rav Shimshon, applies to both the side that is right and the side that is wrong.

Therefore he says, if the side that is right can win the machlokes unequivocally and unanimously, then he should do so. However if the side that is wrong refuses to yield and the argument continues, then even if you are right you must be Mivater and drop the machlokes. Not doing so would constitute an issur. Unfortunately in every machlokes the latter is always the case and the side that is wrong does not yield.

This explains what Moshe Rabbeinu told Korach. If Hashem creates an unprecedented Miracle and the argument will become null and void through the absolute demise of the other side, then it will be clear that I am right and you are wrong. But if you are still around in any shape or form and continue to argue, then I will need to concede and end the machlokes even though I am right. And so it was. The earth opened up and the machlokes disappeared!

We should not expect any such miracles in our own lives. We should make our point and move on, even if we are 100% right and the other side is 100% wrong, which is never the case.

Defending and banning

Defending Israel and Fighting Anti-Semitism

U.S. Ambassador Gets New Mezuzos

Ban Smartphones For Kids? Colorado Says Yes

11 Jun 2017

Doom and gloom

Al-Aqsa imam: Western Wall belongs to Muslims

The quest for honesty about Jews and Israel

The spies were tasked with going to the Promised Land and bringing back fruit and a report, which they did. Weren’t they just being honest, sharing their findings in good faith?

The key to understanding this story is that Moses did not tell them to provide an assessment as to whether or not the people would be able to enter the land. If G‑d willed it, surely there would be a way. He asked them only to report the facts, leaving the interpretation open.

The chassidic masters tell us that we are like spies in our own lives. When we encounter challenges and difficulties, we need to hold back from becoming prophets of doom and gloom. We have G‑d on our side, and we can surely succeed.

10 Jun 2017

39 Avos Melachos


The Vanishing American Adult

היום תאמצנו | שלומי גרטנר  ;יונתן רזאל

At the end of the Parsha we find the MiKoshes Eitzin being Michalel Shabbos and then immediately following this is the Parsha of Tzitzis. The Vilna Gaon offers an explanation for the connection.

On our Tzitzis we make five knots. In the four gaps between these knots we wrap one of the strings around the others. The number of times we wrap the other strings in these four gaps are 7,8,11,13 for a total of 39.

Similarly on Shabbos there are 39 Avos Melachos, which are categorized into four groups. The process of baking bread consists of 13 Melachos, making clothing 11, preparing parchment and writing 8, and the remaining Melachos 7.

7 Jun 2017

50 levels of understanding

Kicking for Peace

Silicon Valley’s Dangerous Double Standard

The Washington Post fails to recognize what Israel's Six-Day War was really about

The pasuk says that Moshe made the Menora like Hashem showed him. Rashi points out that the menorah was one of the 3 things that Moshe could not understand. Why was this particular Keili so difficult for Moshe.

There are 50 levels of understanding (Chamishim Shaarei Bina), of which Moshe only reached the 49th level. The menora is the keili that represents wisdom. The Vilna Gaon says this is hinted the makeup of the menora. It was decorated with 7 lamps, 11 buttons, 9 flowers, and 22 goblets for a grand total of 49. The number 50 represents the actual menorah itself. Since Moshe did not reach the 50th gate of understanding he could not understand the Menora and Hashem needed to show it to him.

PS: The passuk says in Tehilim "Pesach Devarecha Yair"; the beginning of your words light up. This is a remez to the menora which lights up, from the first pasuk in each Chumash (Pesach Devarecha). The first pasuk in Bereishis has 7 words like the lamps; Shmos 11, buttons; Vayikra 9, flowers; Bamidbar 18, the height of the menorah in Tefachim; Devarim 22, goblets. http://www.thejewisheye.com/rev_pbahalo.html

Life is short

TORCH Jewish History Series: False Messiahs with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe

Labour Chief Jeremy Corbyn Sought to Remove Hamas From UK’s List of Terror Groups

"הגאון רבי בן ציון מוצפי קובע: "הרמח"ל לא נקבר בטבריה

Surprising Jewish Origins of Six Common Sayings

The Telegraph describes Australian nurse, Kirsty Boden, who died in the terror attack in Lodon this week.

A keen traveller, she ran a blog in which she called The Time Poor Traveller. In one poignant post, she had written: "I am not a nomad, vagabond or wanderer.

..."At risk of sounding cliche, life is short and we should all use the time we have wisely."


Toxic New Details About Seth Rich’s Murder Emerge

6 Jun 2017

A great desire

Get Your Grandparents to Talk

'The Western Wall belongs only to Muslims'

The Wedding Plan with No Groom

The commandment of Pesach Sheini was taught only after the Timei'ei Meisim complained that they didn't want to lose out on the Mitzva of Korban Pesach. Rashi says (9:7) that really Moshe should have taught the mitzva of Pesach Sheni earlier, but these timei'im were Zocheh to have the mitzva taught because of their complaint, since they showed a great desire to do the mitzva.

Rav Moshe Feinstein asks, "Why does the Torah not mention the names of the Timei'ei Meisim like it does when the Halachos of inheritance are taught through the complaints of Bnos Tzelafchad? If the whole point was to give the Timei'ei Meisim schar for their desire to serve Hashem, shouldn't they be rewarded with honorable mention of their names?

Rav Moshe answers that the Torah wanted to teach us the great reward for anyone who truly desires to do a mitzva out of a love to serve Hashem, even if circumstances exempt them. The Bnos Tzelafchad were zocheh because of their personal greatness and therefore each one's name is mentioned. However here the Torah is teaching each and every one of us that the Torah can be given through us, if we truly love to serve Hashem. Mentioning the names of the Timei'ei Meisim could only have detracted from the message the Torah is teaching, because we would then attribute this zechus to the personal greatness of the Timei'ei Meisim, which we surely cannot measure up to. http://revach.net/article.php?id=4562

4 Jun 2017


After travelling a few days in the midbar, certain elements of Bnei Yisrael got a craving for meat and complained to Moshe. Moshe spoke to Hashem and Hashem sends them an abundance of meat with which they stuff themselves with and die. However, right in middle of this narrative, Hashem tells Moshe to gather seventy men whom Hashem will grace with the spirit of Moshe. Why do these pasukim interrupt right in middle of this seemingly non related story?

Rav Shamshom Rephael Hirsch answers that Bnei Yisrael were complaining about their physical conditions and their hunger for materialism. To this Hashem told Moshe that it is not meat that they lack that is causing them to revolt, it is their lack of spirituality. They feel empty but don't understand the true cause. Gather seventy representatives and feed their starving souls with Torah and Mitzvos. Then their appetites will be satiated with the true pleasure of dveykus in Hashem and they will no longer riot over food.

New York Times Drops Its Public Editor Weeks After Palestinian Terrorist’s Op-Ed

Danny Danon exposes UNRWA's lies

The caregiver

Foreign Worker Who Cared For Rav Shach Became A Giyur

Miraculous Recovery of a Shliach

Senior Labour figures fear party's Jewish vote may have collapsed