Last night, I attended a lecture given by Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis. She related an anecdote about the Maggid Of Kelm who asked his audience, "Suppose you did not merit the coming of the Mashiach in your lifetime. You are lying in your grave, and suddenly you hear a tapping. You have been given the chance to return to earth for half an hour. What would you do during those precious minutes?" (Think about this before reading further).
She said that on 9/11 people, for the first time, left recorded messages during the last minutes they had left on earth, knowing full well the end was only moments away. In every case, calls made on the cell phones of the victims registered the same words. "I love you husband; I love you wife; I love you son; I love you daughter; I love you Mommy; I love you Daddy."
In the final analysis, petty quarrels and disagreements don't matter. Shalom is the overriding message. So, let us set aside our grievances and tell the people who are important in our lives that we love them. There is no reason to argue and bear grudges.
After the lecture, I walked home with a friend of mine. As we parted ways, she called out, "Good night. And smile."
I was reminded of the Rebbetzin's words. Too many people are walking around with long faces these days saying, "I have issues". The Rebbetzin's father always used to say to her. "Geib a shmeichel. Se kost gornisht." Smile. It doesn't cost anything.
A smile - it's free and yields high returns. In today's economic environment, isn't it worthwhile to opt for a risk free investment which yields great dividends?
The following words are taken from Isaiah Chapter 50, line 7.
"Ma navu al heharim raglei mevaser,mashmia shalom, mashmia tov, mashmia yeshua..."
"How pleasant on the mountains are the feet of the messenger of good tidings, proclaiming peace, proclaiming good, proclaiming salvation..."
As duly noted in the above verse, "proclaiming peace" precedes "proclaiming salvation".
Let's promote peace, stay away from quarrels and smile at each other, thus paving the way to our yeshua.
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