
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

6 Aug 2010

Jerusalem and the Bais Hamikdash

"LiShichno Sidrishu Uvasa Shama; Seek His Presence and come there (Re'eh 12:5)." Moshe gave over the commandment to build a Bais HaMikdash but did not reveal the location. The Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim (3:45) says that after Avrohom Avinu went to Har HaMoriah for the Akeidah he called it Har Yeira'eh and this holy ground was revealed as the place for the Bais HaMikdash. Moshe surely knew this, so why did he purposely hide its location and not reveal it? The Rambam gives three reasons why.

One of the reasons given is the following:

"The most important and true reason," says the Rambam, "is that Moshe did not want the Shevatim to know where the Bais HaMikdash would be because he was scared the Shevatim in whose territory it wasn't, would wage war on the Shevet that received that territory. Moshe wanted to avert a civil war. Therefore, only after there was a King with firm control over Am Yisrael, did Hashem reveal the location to Dovid HaMelech."
Read full article: http://www.revach.net/parshas-hashavua/quick-vort/Parshas-Re039eh-Rambam-Moreh-Nevuchim-The-Secret-Location-Of-The-Bais-HaMikdash/4004

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