
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

30 Aug 2010

The human spirit

Watching the video of the trapped Chilean miners gives us pause to reflect on the triumph of the human spirit. One miner commented, "I know that outside the situation looks difficult. But that doesn't matter to us. We are trying to survive down here in our own way."
My prayers will take on an extra feeling of gratitude to G-d for all that I take for granted including breathing fresh air and not being sequestered in one location.
The miners remind us to focus on what's important, on our family relationships.
And the message which we should take from the miners in the month of Elul is not to despair. Even if the situation looks difficult, there are steps to take to survive.
May they be rescued and be reuinted with their families speedily.


  1. I commend you for your astute observation of a crisis taking place in the bowels of the earth so far away from our spheres of concern but, nevertheless, holding critical lessons for anyone who would merely take the time to stop and think. More importantly, I admire your prayer for the miners to be rescued and returned to their families.
    For so many of us, this crisis is nothing more than a dramatic diversion and spectacle. Thank you for reminding us of the essential human dimension of this emergency and exhorting us to transcend our narrow parochialism in favor of a broader concern for all of mankind.

  2. And I commend you, Rahm, on your writing. Perhaps you would like to start a blog. Or do you have one already? If so, please let me know.
