The most important news out of the Middle East is not the Hamas-PA Agreement 4.0 (or 5.0 or 6.0, who can remember?). For various reasons, it doesn't seem likely to work (you can read Robert Danin here on some of the difficulties). Nor is it the "very productive meeting" Russia's foreign minister held in Damascus with the blood-soakwd Assad regime. Nor is it even news that the World International Zionist Organization is apparently promoting pornographic Purim costumes (hey, I aggregate -- you decide). It is, instead, this announcement from Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, that Saudi Arabia will not allow the price of oil to rise about $100 a barrel:
Mr. Goldberg links to an article in the JPost about WIZO.
Calling a series of overtly sexy Purim costumes that appear in a recently distributed catalogue for children “scandalous,” World International Zionist Organization (WIZO) chairwoman Gila Oshrat urged parents on Monday to boycott companies that sell such outfits.
I fail to understand how Mr. Goldberg comes to the conclusion that WIZO is promoting the costumes. But hey, if it makes for better news, why be concerned with the veracity of what was written? Maybe he is just getting into the spirit of Purim - venahafoch hu. And speaking about venafoch hu, here is a story about a man who, over time, changed his opinion. Perhaps the Atlantic can use an editor. I was surprised that a new word has been added to the English language. I always thought it was

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