
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

18 Dec 2009

Vibrant, relevant and meaningful

Contrary to the misguided notions of the uneducated and uninformed, Judaism is not a mere preservation of outdated traditions and nostalgia of yesteryear; it is as vibrant, relevant, and meaningful today as it was thousands of years ago. Chanukah is not just a child's celebration because the good army of the few righteous defeated the evil army of the masses some 2,200 years ago. The struggle of Chanukah continues to this very day.
The Hellenists were "benevolent" in that they didn't kill Jews unconditionally. If a Jew was willing to sacrifice his Judaism and bend to the winds of heresy, the Hellenists would accept him into their schools, their social circles, and their homes. Such assimilation was worse than a physical death; for assimilation and capitulation to the Hellenists meant death to the soul. Since the soul transcends time and space, its death is a much greater tragedy than physical death. After all, the body eventually disintegrates while the soul is eternal.


Reading Rabbi Lazer Brody's words about how Judaism is as vibrant and relevant today as it was thousands of years ago brought back the painful words that I had seen on a "rabbi's'" blog last week. The person wrote on his blog, that he is rejecting the Torah’s answer to the question it poses because that answer is not applicable to our day. He further goes on to day that it is up to us to find a compelling and relevant answer.
He rejects the Torah's words. He rejects the Torah's words.
However, if he finds words in the Torah that substantiates his opinion, then, of course, he quotes the words of the Torah. I don't think he can have it both ways.
I wrote him a comment which was inoffensive but specifically addressed his points, and he rejected my comment.
After this experience, I have decided not to go on his blog again. It was a mistake, in the first place. There can be no honest discusion as he and I are deeply rooted to our views and opening a dialogue serves no purpose. For instance, I can say good morning, and one of his adherents will say, "do I take your good morning to signify that you condone burning down Palestinian mosques?"
So, before I sign off for Shabbos, let me leave you with a devar Torah which is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. Have a good Shabbos and a Chanukah Sameach.

After getting a very unfriendly welcome from Yosef, the pasuk says (Mikeitz 42:21), "Vayomru Ish El Achiv Aval Asheimim Anachnu". The brothers said indeed we are guilty as we saw the pain of our brother Yosef, and ignored his pleas.
The Shnayim Mikra brings from the Megaleh Amukos that six consecutive words starting with Ish, begin with the letter Aleph. These six Alephs each represent one millennium of the world's six thousand years of existence. The Torah is telling us that the mistake of selling Yosef will haunt us throughout the entire history.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes people don't understand that it's just as relevent today. They view the Torah as if it's from people, and don't realize it's from Hashem who is perfect and made a perfect Torah that's for eternity.

    Something I heard people say is that we don't do sacrafices anymore. I answered, that's because we don't have big temple in Jerusalem anymore. - We still have to keep the mitzvos like kosher and shabbos though. Also, some think that kosher is for physical reasons and that food is clearner now and it doesn't apply.

    What they should understand is that kosher for our spiritual health and is better for our soul because it's our Torah obligation;

    Fri 12:26PM
