
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

28 Dec 2009

Shiva-Day 4

The past two posts have been about Rabbi Meir Avshalom Chai HY”D, who was killed in a terrorist attack on Friday. According to my calculations, it is day 4 of the 7 day mourning period. I wrote, "This week, new orphans and their mother are sitting shiva for their father and husband. I will not be posting during the week of the shiva." I wanted to demonstrate sympathy with the family and show them that I feel for their loss, the loss of our Jewish brother. Why was I so affected by this particular individual? I suppose because of his senseless death, the amount of young orphans he left behind and the goodness of the man.
I also quoted from an INN article,

"Eliyahu, the Rabbi's son, said: “I want to say to the youth – continue in my father's path. Father wanted faith, he wanted Torah study, he wanted prayers. He could not stand to see that there are no tefillin. He had to see all of the mitzvot (commandments). If you want to memorialize my father these are the things you should do."

After coming across a beautiful devar Torah about communication, I decided to post the video. May we study Torah in the merit of the deceased. And may we remember, that when we communicate, we may understand what we want, but our spouse, friends and relatives are not mind readers. So let's try to minimize arguments by communicating effectively, so that no misunderstanding should result.

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