People who are looking for a shidduch are advised by some to recite Perek Shira for 40 days.
Rabbi Lazer Brody has written a series of articles about Perek Shira. In the first article, he writes:
"Rebbe (Yehuda Hanassi) said, "Anyone who engrosses himself in Pereq Shira in this world merits to learn and to teach, to observe and to fulfill and to perform (Torah and mitzvoth), and his learning succeeds, and he is delivered from the Evil Inclination and from all harm, and from castigation of the grave and from the verdict of Gehennom, and from the birth pangs of Moshiach, and enjoys longevity of days, and merits life in the World-to-Come......
........Our sages of blessed memory said that when King David completed the Book of Psalms, he had a feeling of self-satisfaction. He said before The Holy One Blessed Be He, "Is there any creation in Your world that says songs and praises more than I do?"
That same hour, a frog appeared to him, and said to him: "David! Don't be complacent, for I say songs and praises more than you do. Not only that, but three thousand parables are said about every sonnet that I recite, for it is said (Kings I 5:12), "And he spoke three thousand parables and his songs were one-thousand and five." Not only that, but I involve myself in a great mitzvah, and this is the mitzvah that I involve myself with: There's a specie on the beach whose sustenance comes exclusively from (creatures that live) in the water, and when it's hungry, it takes me and eats me. I therefore fulfill the mitzvah of that what is said (Proverbs 25:21-22), "If your adversary is hungry, feed him; if he's thirsty, give him water to drink, for you shall heap hot coals on his head and Hashem shall reward you."
Full article can be accessed here.
In a previous post, I wrote about another segula for a shidduch and asked readers if they would like to particpate in saying Tehilim Perek 13 for 13 days and daven for 13 names on a list. If anyone is interested in adding a name and taking upon themselves to say Tehilim Perek 13 for 13 days, please contact me at devorah@live.co.uk.
May you merit to find a shidduch hagun bekarov. To see a video of a shidduch made through the comments section of a blog, click here.
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