
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

30 Jun 2009

All comes from G-d

"Three workers hired to clean a putrid well at a waste transfer station apparently were overcome by toxic fumes, fell down a narrow shaft and died.
....The 3 victims have been identified as 49-year-old Shlomo Dahan, his 23-year-old son, Harel Dahan, both of Brooklyn, and 52-year old Rene Franc.
...The Dahan's are the owners of Dahan Sewer."

One of the comments on the above site pointed out that the Dahan website had the בס"ד on the upper right side.

"Besiyata Dishmaya is an Aramaic phrase, meaning "with the help of Heaven". The acronym Bs"d (Mostly written in Hebew: בס"ד) has become a Jewish term. The three letters appear at the top of every written document (beginnings of correspondences... etc.) as a reminder to the writer and reader that all comes from God, including the following content and to contextualize what's really important in the text, that without God's help we can do nothing of eternal value.
The reason for the common use of the three-letter acronym, בס"ד (Bs"d), is probably because it does not contain the Hebrew letter Hei ('ה), that is used to imply the name of God, and for this reason a page which contains the letters בס"ד (Bs"d), does not require Genizah, a process for writings that contain the name of God, and can be thrown away without a fear of desecration."


May Hashen bring comfort to the mourners.

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