"How are you?" I began the conversation.
"No complaints", he answered and went on to elucidate, "A wise man once told me to complain is ingratitude."
"To complain is ingratitude. To complain is ingratitude." I let the phrase roll over my tongue a few times, allowing the words to seep into my consciousness.
In the future, I am going to make a concerted effort to be an optimist and to stop complaining.
The Jewish optimist
A group of elderly, retired men gather each morning at a café in Tel Aviv. They drink their coffee and sit for hours discussing the world situation. Given the state of the world, problems with the Palestinians, the Iranian nuclear threat -- their talks are usually depressing. One day, one of the men startles the others by announcing, "You know what? I am an optimist." The others are shocked, but then one of them notices something fishy.
A group of elderly, retired men gather each morning at a café in Tel Aviv. They drink their coffee and sit for hours discussing the world situation. Given the state of the world, problems with the Palestinians, the Iranian nuclear threat -- their talks are usually depressing. One day, one of the men startles the others by announcing, "You know what? I am an optimist." The others are shocked, but then one of them notices something fishy.
"Wait a minute! If you're an optimist, why do you look so worried?"
"You think it's easy being an optimist?!"
It is easy to be an optimist smile smile smile pray pray Hashem takes care it is HIS problem.