
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

18 May 2009

Just say NO

Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu,
Shalom Uveracha. I wish you the utmost success on your trip to America to meet with President Obama. Before speaking to him, I would advise you to read the following article by Yoel Meltzer.

"With the American leadership intensifying its demand that Israel accept the "two-state solution", the slogan "just say no" - used by former first lady Nancy Reagan as part of the 1980s campaign against adolescent drug abuse - keeps popping into my head. Although perhaps overly simplistic, many argue that her words went a long way in raising awareness of the problem. At this time, our present leadership would do well to adopt the same slogan.After removing our soldiers from Lebanon, missiles eventually fell in Haifa.
Thus, the next time the Americans demand that Israel accept the two-state solution, just say "no". Don't ignore their demands, don't try to evade answering them and don't state conditions for eventually accepting their demands; rather, just say "no".
Kindly explain to them that, although we understand the difficulties America is currently facing, as well as its need to appease various leaders in our region as a prelude to dealing with its own problems, nonetheless a two-state solution is not in Israel's best interest."
To read full article, click here.
I would also advise you to read the op-ed piece in the New York Times by Jeffrey Goldberg who writes about your father, among other things.
"The elder Netanyahu also argued that efforts by the Jews of Spain to accommodate their adversaries were futile, in part because the charges against them were devoid of logic or fact, and, perhaps most important, because the written or spoken expression of Jew hatred (his preferred term for anti-Semitism) inevitably led to physical persecution. “What emerges from our survey,” he wrote, “is that the Spanish Inquisition was by no means the result of a fortuitous concourse of circumstances and events. It was the product of a movement that called for its creation and labored for decades to bring it about.”A close reading of Benzion Netanyahu suggests a belief that anti-Semitism is a sui generis hatred, one that is shape-shifting, impervious to logic and eternal. The only rational response to such sentiment, in the Netanyahu view, is militant Jewish self-defense. "
To read full article, click here.
I would also advise you to read the following words.
"Chabad Chassidim, primarily from NYC, will on Monday travel to Washington, DC to protest outside the White House against any efforts to establish a Palestinian State in Eretz Yisrael. The late Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L was an ardent advocate of Eretz Yisrael HaSheleima (Greater Israel), opposing even discussion of land compromise with foreign nations."
To read full article, click here.

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