
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

18 May 2009

To complain is ingratitude

The phone rang twice before it was picked up.
"How are you?" I began the conversation.
"No complaints", he answered and went on to elucidate, "A wise man once told me to complain is ingratitude."
"To complain is ingratitude. To complain is ingratitude." I let the phrase roll over my tongue a few times, allowing the words to seep into my consciousness.
In the future, I am going to make a concerted effort to be an optimist and to stop complaining.
The Jewish optimist
A group of elderly, retired men gather each morning at a café in Tel Aviv. They drink their coffee and sit for hours discussing the world situation. Given the state of the world, problems with the Palestinians, the Iranian nuclear threat -- their talks are usually depressing. One day, one of the men startles the others by announcing, "You know what? I am an optimist." The others are shocked, but then one of them notices something fishy.
"Wait a minute! If you're an optimist, why do you look so worried?"
"You think it's easy being an optimist?!"

1 comment:

  1. It is easy to be an optimist smile smile smile pray pray Hashem takes care it is HIS problem.
