
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

11 Apr 2019

The Lesson

Candidacy of University of Exeter Student Jack Morewood Suspended For Congratulating Bibi at NUS Conference

המקובל לאם הילדה שנהרגה: תבקשי משיח Someone left a comment under the article,
"אילו כל ישראל יבקשו את המשיח מיד יבוא"

Yesterday I linked to a fundraising request This Passover Take A Stand Against Hunger With Meir Panim.
I clicked on the site, saw the statistics in the video about 1 in 3 Israeli children skipping at least one meal a day, and 6% resorting to loooking for food in garbage bins. I made a donation which was immediately doubled, due to matching funds. It gave me a feeling of exhiliration to see my donation mutiplied by two and realized that not only had I done a mitzvah, but I caused someone else to do one, as well. Additionally, there is the good feeling of helping people achieve some measurre of happiness on Passover, as the fund will be used to distribute meals for the needy for the holiday. Don't miss out on this mitzvah! Or should I say, mitzvahs?

What is the Jewish Lesson From a Black Hole?

2 Songs From Australian Soloist

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