
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

3 Mar 2018

The Address

Jewish Group Outraged by BDS Founder’s Address to EU Parliament

צפו: כשהשוטרים הגויים רקדו עם החרדים המחופשים

Latest Palestinian Blood Libel: Bloody Purim Treats

"Kichu Mayitchem";"Take from yourselves a separation as a donation to the Mishkan." What does this peculiar word "Mayitchem" - "from yourselves" come to teach us? Isn't it obvious that the donations are coming from yourselves?

The Kli Yakar answers, many times people give Tzedoka only because of social pressures. They feel that they must give because it would be embarrassing to say "no" to the prominent Rosh Yeshiva who came to his house. Or at an appeal in his Shul, it would be disgraceful for him if he does not announce that he too is giving a substantial sum to this worthy cause, after all his buddies threw around the "big numbers". Such donations are not Mayitchem - from yourselves. It is not you giving the money, rather the social pressure of others. The pasuk is telling us that for the donations of the Mishkan it should be purely yours. Whatever you give should be what you would like to give, not what you would like others to think that you gave!

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