
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

10 Jul 2016

A lapse of emunah

How can we say that Parah Adumah is a Chok and it has no reason? Rashi says in the name of Rebbi Moshe Hadarshan that the Parah Adumah is a Kapara for the Chet HaEgel. The mother cow comes and cleans up the mess of its calf. Is cleaning up our greatest aveira not reason enough?

The answer given by the mefarshim is that the Chet HaEgel was a lapse of emunah on the part of the Bnei Yisroel. Since they could not comprehend what was happening they demanded an intermediary that can help them. They refused to rely on Hashem. They wanted to see and understand their direction. Therefore by accepting the mitzva of Parah Adumah without understanding it rectifies the Chet HaEgel. The kapara of Chet HaEgel is a by product of a mitzva without a reason and not the reason itself.

A friend told me that she went to be menachem aveil someone who had just lost her husband. She told her that the Rambam has 13 Principles of emunah beginning with the words "Ani Maamin." There is not one principle starting with "Ani Mayvin."
Former MK: Reform Movement is trying to uproot halacha

1 comment:

  1. Two things: First, MK Ze'ev is definitely right! The Reform are trying to destroy not only halacha but all of Torah Judaism!

    Second, re the sin of the eigel hazahav was perpetrated by the Erev Rav as chazal tell us, and being that the Jewish people were still weak both mentally and physiclly from their two centuries of slavery, they easily fell into the trap of the Erev Rav who were very knowledgable in sorcery as the Mitzrim were steeped into black magic. The two sons of Bilam were the leaders who also came along with the rest of the Erev Rav. These two sons were Pharoah's court magicians.
