Amazing Rabbi Paysach Krohn story over here. If you don't see it, scroll down to the post that begins with the words, "I must share an amazing amazing story that occurred today!!"
Make sure to read the whole story besides watching the video.
Below is a comment posted under an article titled
Second Day On Campaign Trail and Clinton-Kaine Cancel Cleveland Ohio Appearance…
"So if I have this right the clinton campaign is saying they are not able to create a simple three day bus tour and they want to run America?"
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"
the Lubavitcher Rebbe
"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."
Rabbi Nosson Scherman
31 Jul 2016
29 Jul 2016
Apology accepted
'Apologize to the Girl You Dated'
Parshas Pinchas - Peace
Parshas Pinchas - Wired to Connect
How Do You Say ‘Hashtag’ or ‘Shaming’ in Ancient Hebrew?
Save money on coffee
Tehila Mark: We Told Mom About Our Father But We Don’t Know How Much She Understands
In a recent article “Amid Push to Curb Police Abuse, Some Act on Fringe,” The New York Times quoted Malik Zulu Shabazz’s call to kill all Zionists in Israel, including their “old ladies” and “little babies.”
Read more:
Parshas Pinchas - Peace
Parshas Pinchas - Wired to Connect
How Do You Say ‘Hashtag’ or ‘Shaming’ in Ancient Hebrew?
Save money on coffee
Tehila Mark: We Told Mom About Our Father But We Don’t Know How Much She Understands
In a recent article “Amid Push to Curb Police Abuse, Some Act on Fringe,” The New York Times quoted Malik Zulu Shabazz’s call to kill all Zionists in Israel, including their “old ladies” and “little babies.”
Read more:
At fault
Watch: Frum Wall Street Journal Reporter Greg Zuckerman Describes Not Working On Shabbos
The Times of Israel has an article regarding some thoughts expressed by Conservatice and Reform clergy members at the DNC. One spoke about the commandment "“Remember what Amalek did to you.”
“The core teaching is that it wasn’t Amalek who was at fault, it was us, because we, the community allowed there to be stragglers to fall behind at the rear,” Pesner said. “The test of a community, the challenge to a nation, the mandate for humanity is to never allow there to be stragglers.”
An article by Rabbi Farhi cites a thought from the Rebbe from Pasishche regarding the commandment, as well as the nation of Amalek.
The Rebbe would say that Amalek does not just strike. He tries to look for where there is no unity or community. This is the very characteristic of Amalek, as we can openly see in the words that our Rabbis termed the greatest slander that Haman was able to use against us:ישנו עם אחד מפוזר ומפורד בין העמים There is a certain people, scattered and dispersed … (Esther 3:8) Our weakness, our lack of unity was and is Amalek’s power against us.
Perhaps the individual who offered the interpretation regarding Amalek at the DNC might check Rabbi Farhi's interpretation and contribute to the unity of the Jewish people by joining traditional Judaism which his movement broke away from.
3 Quick Reasons Why To Pray
The Times of Israel has an article regarding some thoughts expressed by Conservatice and Reform clergy members at the DNC. One spoke about the commandment "“Remember what Amalek did to you.”
“The core teaching is that it wasn’t Amalek who was at fault, it was us, because we, the community allowed there to be stragglers to fall behind at the rear,” Pesner said. “The test of a community, the challenge to a nation, the mandate for humanity is to never allow there to be stragglers.”
An article by Rabbi Farhi cites a thought from the Rebbe from Pasishche regarding the commandment, as well as the nation of Amalek.
The Rebbe would say that Amalek does not just strike. He tries to look for where there is no unity or community. This is the very characteristic of Amalek, as we can openly see in the words that our Rabbis termed the greatest slander that Haman was able to use against us:ישנו עם אחד מפוזר ומפורד בין העמים There is a certain people, scattered and dispersed … (Esther 3:8) Our weakness, our lack of unity was and is Amalek’s power against us.
Perhaps the individual who offered the interpretation regarding Amalek at the DNC might check Rabbi Farhi's interpretation and contribute to the unity of the Jewish people by joining traditional Judaism which his movement broke away from.
3 Quick Reasons Why To Pray
28 Jul 2016
In revenge
Parashat Pinhas: Contemporary Sun-Worship
Below are two headlines regarding the same incident.
Hamas Terrorist Who Murdered Israeli Rabbi, Injured Family, Killed in Firefight with IDF
Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian in revenge for killing rabbi father-of-10 in the West Bank
Below are two headlines regarding the same incident.
Hamas Terrorist Who Murdered Israeli Rabbi, Injured Family, Killed in Firefight with IDF
Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian in revenge for killing rabbi father-of-10 in the West Bank
27 Jul 2016
The VP picks
Israel Matzav has a video of Governor Mike Pence defending Israel in strong terms.
FreeBeacon, in an article titled Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine’s Record on Israel Under Fire, reported that "Kaine was one of nine Democratic senators to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in March 2015."
J Street has a post titled J Street Applauds Vice Presidential Pick Tim Kaine in which they congratulate "Senator Tim Kaine on his selection as the Democratic candidate for Vice President of the United States. In the course of his lengthy career in public service, Senator Kaine has proven himself to be a great friend of Israel.."
Did they run a similar post when Mike Pence was chosen as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate?
Forget Pokémon Go… now there’s Pokémensch!
Protesters burn Israeli flag outside Democratic convention
FreeBeacon, in an article titled Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine’s Record on Israel Under Fire, reported that "Kaine was one of nine Democratic senators to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in March 2015."
J Street has a post titled J Street Applauds Vice Presidential Pick Tim Kaine in which they congratulate "Senator Tim Kaine on his selection as the Democratic candidate for Vice President of the United States. In the course of his lengthy career in public service, Senator Kaine has proven himself to be a great friend of Israel.."
Did they run a similar post when Mike Pence was chosen as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate?
Forget Pokémon Go… now there’s Pokémensch!
Protesters burn Israeli flag outside Democratic convention
26 Jul 2016
The "T" word
Couple Has Miraculous Baby Story - “You should try to get brachos from Yidden. They help."
I Recorded My Yechidus...
Emuna Daily lesson
Yesterday Free Beacon published an article titled Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites.
Today Congressman Hank Johnson apologized for his Israeli settlement comments.
"J Street welcomes Congressman Hank Johnson's clarification regarding his remarks today about the Israeli settlement enterprise during a panel held outside the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. ...The Free Beacon and its headline writers have, as is their habit, taken irresponsible liberties with the words actually spoken in an effort to advance their political agenda.
The proper focus of media coverage here should be on the growing political opposition to Israeli settlement growth and not on the misrepresentations by an irresponsible media outlet."
A few years ago, the congressman apologized for using the "M" word. (midget) The use of the "N" word is no longer socially acceptable, the use of the "M" word is no longer socially acceptable and now the use of the "T" word will no longer be socially acceptable. Should we ban all letters of the alphabet?
Ynet has an article titled Summer of Love: US Jews come to Israel looking for a partner.
The article focuses on three individuals seeking partners in Israel. I thought there were two errors in the article. At first, when I read about a new Israeli named Yehuda searching for his dream husband, I thought perhaps the name was Yehudis and not Yehuda. However, his name is indeed Yehuda. The article also features Shayna.
"Knowing that many Israeli men had served in the army gives her a sense of security, and that her favorite thing about Israeli men is their tendency to cease the moment."
My question is how do they cease the moment? How do they terminate it? Are they like termites who eat up the moment?
I Recorded My Yechidus...
Emuna Daily lesson
Yesterday Free Beacon published an article titled Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites.
Today Congressman Hank Johnson apologized for his Israeli settlement comments.
"J Street welcomes Congressman Hank Johnson's clarification regarding his remarks today about the Israeli settlement enterprise during a panel held outside the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. ...The Free Beacon and its headline writers have, as is their habit, taken irresponsible liberties with the words actually spoken in an effort to advance their political agenda.
The proper focus of media coverage here should be on the growing political opposition to Israeli settlement growth and not on the misrepresentations by an irresponsible media outlet."
A few years ago, the congressman apologized for using the "M" word. (midget) The use of the "N" word is no longer socially acceptable, the use of the "M" word is no longer socially acceptable and now the use of the "T" word will no longer be socially acceptable. Should we ban all letters of the alphabet?
Ynet has an article titled Summer of Love: US Jews come to Israel looking for a partner.
The article focuses on three individuals seeking partners in Israel. I thought there were two errors in the article. At first, when I read about a new Israeli named Yehuda searching for his dream husband, I thought perhaps the name was Yehudis and not Yehuda. However, his name is indeed Yehuda. The article also features Shayna.
"Knowing that many Israeli men had served in the army gives her a sense of security, and that her favorite thing about Israeli men is their tendency to cease the moment."
My question is how do they cease the moment? How do they terminate it? Are they like termites who eat up the moment?
One act of chesed
John Kerry Said Air Conditioning Was As Big a Threat As ISIS. Here’s The HILARIOUS Way Americans Are Fighting Back.
Parashat Pinchas: Ohr HaChaim – Here’s Zaidy
Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites
The Incredible Salvation of One Act of Chesed
Parashat Pinchas: Ohr HaChaim – Here’s Zaidy
Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites
The Incredible Salvation of One Act of Chesed
25 Jul 2016
The zealot
WATCH: “Why Do Kids Go Off The Derech?”
Media Job #1 – Protect Hillary from #DNCLeak fallout
'60 Minutes' Doesn't Air Hillary Dodge About DNC Interference
Retired Army General Tweets and Deletes Anti-Semitic Comment
The two Parshas before Pinchas, Chukas and Balak, are often read together (in Eretz Yisroel only). The two parshas afterwards, Matos and Maasei are almost always read together. Pinchas which is between these parshios is always alone. Why??
This teaches us that when you are Kana'i (zealot) you should be prepared to spend your life alone. People do not have the courage to fight for what is right and even if they start out behind you by time you turn around they will be gone.
Media Job #1 – Protect Hillary from #DNCLeak fallout
'60 Minutes' Doesn't Air Hillary Dodge About DNC Interference
Retired Army General Tweets and Deletes Anti-Semitic Comment
The two Parshas before Pinchas, Chukas and Balak, are often read together (in Eretz Yisroel only). The two parshas afterwards, Matos and Maasei are almost always read together. Pinchas which is between these parshios is always alone. Why??
This teaches us that when you are Kana'i (zealot) you should be prepared to spend your life alone. People do not have the courage to fight for what is right and even if they start out behind you by time you turn around they will be gone.
24 Jul 2016
Too close to the Sabbath
Looking to Judaism for Advice on How to Behave the Morning After the US Election
New Leak: Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him
Israeli Sports and Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud) has said she will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Brazil this year, due to it falling too close to the Sabbath.
Read more:
Goals Of Fast Days
New Leak: Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him
Israeli Sports and Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud) has said she will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Brazil this year, due to it falling too close to the Sabbath.
Read more:
Goals Of Fast Days
22 Jul 2016
Three times
Parshas Balak - “Why Have You Struck Me These Three Times?”
Man Who Complained He’s Called “Muslim Pig” Calls Jews “Pigs”
Turning Garbage Into Gratitude Beautiful idea, Rabbi. Why didn't I think of that?
Torah Wellsprings - Balak - Pinchas 5776
The hidden health clues in the SHAPE of your food, from walnuts boosting your brain to celery strengthening your bones...
Fast of Tammuz 17 - How does it concern me?
י"ז בתמוז: זמנים, דינים ומנהגים
Man Who Complained He’s Called “Muslim Pig” Calls Jews “Pigs”
Turning Garbage Into Gratitude Beautiful idea, Rabbi. Why didn't I think of that?
Torah Wellsprings - Balak - Pinchas 5776
The hidden health clues in the SHAPE of your food, from walnuts boosting your brain to celery strengthening your bones...
Fast of Tammuz 17 - How does it concern me?
י"ז בתמוז: זמנים, דינים ומנהגים
Great shiur!!! - Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein - Parashat Balak: Chutzpa-Ingratitude And The Footsteps Of Mashiach
If It Can Happen To Bilaam, It Can Happen to Any of Us
B’nai Brith: “Ontario Arabic Newspaper Blames Jews for Holocaust”
From Spark to Flame
If It Can Happen To Bilaam, It Can Happen to Any of Us
B’nai Brith: “Ontario Arabic Newspaper Blames Jews for Holocaust”
From Spark to Flame
21 Jul 2016
20 Jul 2016
How LA Solved Shidduch Crisis
Three Differences Between Bilaam and Rabbi Yosi ben Kisma
Emuna daily lesson
Below are two headlines regarding an incident of a fire in a house in Duma.
Which one is to be believed?
Dawabsheh Clan Burns another Home in Duma Village
Suspected Israeli Settlers Set Fire to Duma House in Fresh Attack
Three Differences Between Bilaam and Rabbi Yosi ben Kisma
Emuna daily lesson
Below are two headlines regarding an incident of a fire in a house in Duma.
Which one is to be believed?
Dawabsheh Clan Burns another Home in Duma Village
Suspected Israeli Settlers Set Fire to Duma House in Fresh Attack
Weapon of choice
Eisav's weapon given to him by Yitzchok is the sword, while Yaakov was given the power of the mouth through tefila. A Malach's power is like Yaakov, a spiritual strength to physically destroy. In this odd showdown between Bilam the Goy and the Malach we find Bilam on his way to attempt to wipe out Bnei Yisroel with his mouth by cursing them. Lo and behold we find the Malach blocking Bilam's way holding a sword in his hand; not normally his weapon of choice. The Malach was showing Bilam that he is using the wrong weapon to try and fight Klal Yisroel and it wouldn't work.
A Remez for this odd confrontation says Rav Moshe Singer shlit"a can be found in the passuk "Hashem Nitzav BaDerech V'Charboi Shlufa BiYadoi"; (A Malach of) Hashem stood in the way with a sword in his hand . The Roshei Teivos spell out the word "B'Shnui"; a change. A Remez to the reversal of weaponry.
The best and brightest of the U.S. military and special operations community will quit if Hillary Clinton gets elected president, according to Benghazi survivor and former CIA operative John “Tig” Tiegen.
Read more:
A February Inquisitr article reported, "Rev. Al Sharpton is the latest to reveal that he is willing to leave the United States if Trump is elected president."
Donald Trump Jr. delivers the speech his dad never could
A Remez for this odd confrontation says Rav Moshe Singer shlit"a can be found in the passuk "Hashem Nitzav BaDerech V'Charboi Shlufa BiYadoi"; (A Malach of) Hashem stood in the way with a sword in his hand . The Roshei Teivos spell out the word "B'Shnui"; a change. A Remez to the reversal of weaponry.
The best and brightest of the U.S. military and special operations community will quit if Hillary Clinton gets elected president, according to Benghazi survivor and former CIA operative John “Tig” Tiegen.
Read more:
A February Inquisitr article reported, "Rev. Al Sharpton is the latest to reveal that he is willing to leave the United States if Trump is elected president."
Donald Trump Jr. delivers the speech his dad never could
It would give us pause
Below are a few questions and answers posed at the July 19th State Department briefing.
QUESTION: I’m wondering if you have seen or you’re aware of this beheading of a child by a group that is supported by the United States.
QUESTION: Is this the kind of thing that would affect assistance, U.S. assistance to this specific group but also just in general to the FSA?
MR TONER: Well, I think we’d take a – if, as you said, if we can prove that this was indeed what happened and this group was involved in it, I think it would certainly give us pause.
QUESTION: The prime minister of Israel has complained rather forcefully about a monument that the PA just erected to a person who the Israelis say is a terrorist, who was also responsible for killing an American citizen. I’m wondering if you have any thoughts about that.
MR TONER: Matt, I don’t have any particular – I’m just – I wasn’t aware of that. I mean, I would – I mean, my response in general would be obviously we don’t want to see any kind of efforts to glorify any individuals who are involved in any acts of terrorism. But I don’t know specific – I’d have to get more specifics about this monument.
A Haaretz article begins with the words, "A 12-year-old boy from the West Bank village of Al-Ram was killed by gunfire during clashes with Israeli forces, the Palestinian Health Ministry said on Tuesday.
Israel's military and Border Police denied using live fire in the area and speculated that the boy's death was a result of a local dispute between rival families."
Haaretz quotes residents of the village as contradicting the Palestinian Health Ministry statement. Read more:
Although there are two sides to the story, headlines seem to favor one version - Palestinian boy killed during clash with Israeli troops in West Bank: Palestinians
At least 56 civilians were reported killed on Tuesday in airstrikes north of the besieged Islamic State-held city of Manbij in northern Syria, and residents said they believed the attack was carried out by aircraft from the United States-led coalition, a monitoring group said.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the dead included 11 children, and that dozens more people were wounded.
The State department hasn't issued a statement that it is appalled by the disgraceful airstikes. "The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians." That statement is only reserved for Israel. - Does anyone remember an article from last year titled WATCH: AP grills State Department for double standards against Israel in light of Afghan bombing?
QUESTION: Is this the kind of thing that would affect assistance, U.S. assistance to this specific group but also just in general to the FSA?
MR TONER: Well, I think we’d take a – if, as you said, if we can prove that this was indeed what happened and this group was involved in it, I think it would certainly give us pause.
QUESTION: The prime minister of Israel has complained rather forcefully about a monument that the PA just erected to a person who the Israelis say is a terrorist, who was also responsible for killing an American citizen. I’m wondering if you have any thoughts about that.
MR TONER: Matt, I don’t have any particular – I’m just – I wasn’t aware of that. I mean, I would – I mean, my response in general would be obviously we don’t want to see any kind of efforts to glorify any individuals who are involved in any acts of terrorism. But I don’t know specific – I’d have to get more specifics about this monument.
A Haaretz article begins with the words, "A 12-year-old boy from the West Bank village of Al-Ram was killed by gunfire during clashes with Israeli forces, the Palestinian Health Ministry said on Tuesday.
Israel's military and Border Police denied using live fire in the area and speculated that the boy's death was a result of a local dispute between rival families."
Haaretz quotes residents of the village as contradicting the Palestinian Health Ministry statement. Read more:
Although there are two sides to the story, headlines seem to favor one version - Palestinian boy killed during clash with Israeli troops in West Bank: Palestinians
At least 56 civilians were reported killed on Tuesday in airstrikes north of the besieged Islamic State-held city of Manbij in northern Syria, and residents said they believed the attack was carried out by aircraft from the United States-led coalition, a monitoring group said.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the dead included 11 children, and that dozens more people were wounded.
The State department hasn't issued a statement that it is appalled by the disgraceful airstikes. "The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians." That statement is only reserved for Israel. - Does anyone remember an article from last year titled WATCH: AP grills State Department for double standards against Israel in light of Afghan bombing?
Lunch at Samir's
Israel Matrzav shares a letter addressed to a synagogue board in Raleigh, North Carolina, in which concern is raised about an itinerary of a Congregational leader's upcoming trip to Israel that includes a visit to Yasser Arafat’s Tomb to learn about his legacy. You can read the letter by clicking here. You can read the itinerary by clicking here. Planned activities also include dinner in Bethlehem, hosted by Palestinian families in their homes and having lunch at Samir’s, an Arab restaurant.
May we only see the good in others!!
BMG is #1
May we only see the good in others!!
BMG is #1
19 Jul 2016
Just like the Jews
Pro-Israel Campus Groups: UC Irvine ‘Dragging Out, Burying’ Investigation Into Violent Anti-Israel Protest
ללא מתנגדים: חוק 'והדרת פני זקן' אושר במליאה
Antwerpse Turken: “Ze behandelen ons zoals de joden onder het naziregime” - Antwerp Turks: "They treat us like the Jews under the Nazi regime"
Anyone think this is a fair comparison?
Nissim Black - From Islam and Christianity to Judaism
"Condemning BDS And Calling It What It Is! ANTISEMITISM!" Linda Lingle
ללא מתנגדים: חוק 'והדרת פני זקן' אושר במליאה
Antwerpse Turken: “Ze behandelen ons zoals de joden onder het naziregime” - Antwerp Turks: "They treat us like the Jews under the Nazi regime"
Anyone think this is a fair comparison?
Nissim Black - From Islam and Christianity to Judaism
"Condemning BDS And Calling It What It Is! ANTISEMITISM!" Linda Lingle
The thing we can actually affect
"By worrying about the future or regretting the past we avoid the present. And the present, the here and now, is the only thing we can actually affect." - Matilda Rapaport
Swedish professional extreme skier Matilda Rapaport has died after being caught in an avalanche in the Andes mountains near Chile’s capital Santiago, her sponsor Red Bull said on Monday.
In April 2016, it was reported that, "Swiss snowboarding champion Estelle Balet was killed in an avalanche on Tuesday after a slab of snow broke away during a film shoot in Switzerland and swept her down a narrow, rocky slope."
It is ironic that Matlda Rapaport's last Facebook post was about Estelle and that they both died in similar circumstances.
"Estelle, you were such an inspiration sharing your positive, humble and warmhearted spirit with everyone around you. And you always made the rest of us laugh. You will be forever missed."
Rabbi Ari Wolf Delivers Invocation At Opening Of RNC 2016
Followers Of Rabbi Berland Block Highway 1 And Dance As His Plane Arrivés
The two-state chimera and liberal Jews
In Little Rock, a woman finds her true faith and then Jewish family
Swedish professional extreme skier Matilda Rapaport has died after being caught in an avalanche in the Andes mountains near Chile’s capital Santiago, her sponsor Red Bull said on Monday.
In April 2016, it was reported that, "Swiss snowboarding champion Estelle Balet was killed in an avalanche on Tuesday after a slab of snow broke away during a film shoot in Switzerland and swept her down a narrow, rocky slope."
It is ironic that Matlda Rapaport's last Facebook post was about Estelle and that they both died in similar circumstances.
"Estelle, you were such an inspiration sharing your positive, humble and warmhearted spirit with everyone around you. And you always made the rest of us laugh. You will be forever missed."
Rabbi Ari Wolf Delivers Invocation At Opening Of RNC 2016
Followers Of Rabbi Berland Block Highway 1 And Dance As His Plane Arrivés
The two-state chimera and liberal Jews
In Little Rock, a woman finds her true faith and then Jewish family
18 Jul 2016
Not nice
After watching Fox News’ Shepard Smith berating former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for using the phrase "All Lives Matter," claiming that it was divisive and derogatory, I failed to understand his reasoning. A NYT article elucidated me as to why such an innocuous phrase could offend some individuals. - Why ‘All Lives Matter’ Is Such a Perilous Phrase
Jews of Nice spend solemn Shabbat mourning terror victims
Rabbi Lazer Brody: The Connection Between Nice Attack and the 9th of Tammuz
The JPost reports on a comment made by Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence 18 months ago, "“If the world knows nothing else, let it know this: America stands with Israel.”
Linda Sarsour has a fundraising page to help her get to the Democratic National convention in Philadelphia since she was selected as a New York delegate. Her views on Israel can be heard here.
Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street opines about the platforms of the Republican and Democrat parties.
Yet while the progress in the Democratic Party is an encouraging sign for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans, changes in the Republican Party platform are a sobering reminder that irresponsible and extreme ideas are gaining traction on the American political right.
Jews of Nice spend solemn Shabbat mourning terror victims
Rabbi Lazer Brody: The Connection Between Nice Attack and the 9th of Tammuz
The JPost reports on a comment made by Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence 18 months ago, "“If the world knows nothing else, let it know this: America stands with Israel.”
Linda Sarsour has a fundraising page to help her get to the Democratic National convention in Philadelphia since she was selected as a New York delegate. Her views on Israel can be heard here.
Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street opines about the platforms of the Republican and Democrat parties.
Yet while the progress in the Democratic Party is an encouraging sign for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans, changes in the Republican Party platform are a sobering reminder that irresponsible and extreme ideas are gaining traction on the American political right.
17 Jul 2016
What it's not
UNESCO head backs Israel: Ignoring Jewish, Christian ties to Jerusalem harms its cultural status
Below is an excerpt from the July 15th State Department Briefing regarding the attack in Nice.
QUESTION: On the same topic, I mean, while this horrible terrorist attack seems to have been conducted by a lone wolf – the term “lone wolf” and so on – all indications or all information show that the mosques in places like Nice and Marseille and Paris and others that are really funded and supported by many of your allies, mainly in the gulf – they basically sort of instigate that kind of rhetoric and so on. And my question to you that I’ve asked in the past as well: Why can’t the United States get its allies to commit to tone down that kind of rhetoric in these major mosques that really prey on the vulnerable and the weak, on the non-belonging and so on.
MS TRUDEAU: So I’ve – I guess I – sort of three-part answer to that, and hold me accountable for all three, okay. First one: This is not Islam. This is not Muslims. Let’s be very clear on that, and I don’t – I want to put that out point-blank. Whatever motivated this individual to do that attack, it’s not Islam.
Below is an excerpt from a 2013 State Department report about terrorism.
“Price tag” attacks (property crimes and violent acts by extremist Jewish individuals and groups in retaliation for activity they deemed to be anti-settlement) expanded into Israel from the West Bank in
Below is an excerpt from the July 15th State Department Briefing regarding the attack in Nice.
QUESTION: On the same topic, I mean, while this horrible terrorist attack seems to have been conducted by a lone wolf – the term “lone wolf” and so on – all indications or all information show that the mosques in places like Nice and Marseille and Paris and others that are really funded and supported by many of your allies, mainly in the gulf – they basically sort of instigate that kind of rhetoric and so on. And my question to you that I’ve asked in the past as well: Why can’t the United States get its allies to commit to tone down that kind of rhetoric in these major mosques that really prey on the vulnerable and the weak, on the non-belonging and so on.
MS TRUDEAU: So I’ve – I guess I – sort of three-part answer to that, and hold me accountable for all three, okay. First one: This is not Islam. This is not Muslims. Let’s be very clear on that, and I don’t – I want to put that out point-blank. Whatever motivated this individual to do that attack, it’s not Islam.
Below is an excerpt from a 2013 State Department report about terrorism.
“Price tag” attacks (property crimes and violent acts by extremist Jewish individuals and groups in retaliation for activity they deemed to be anti-settlement) expanded into Israel from the West Bank in
15 Jul 2016
Before and after
Help R' Chaim Safran's Family Move Back into Their Home
July 14 - before the attack,
France will not extend the state of emergency imposed after last year's Islamist militant attacks in Paris in November beyond 26 July, President Francois Hollande has announced.
The president said in his traditional Bastille Day interview that it would not make sense for the emergency to be extended indefinitely.
That would mean the rule of law "no longer applied", Mr Hollande said.
July 15 - after the attack,
In a press conference on Friday morning, Hollande said "the state of emergency was extended in the country for three months beyond July 26".
UK chief rabbi says Labour anti-Semitism is concerning
Watch-Flashback Video PM Netanyahu In 2014 Interview Predicts Terror In France
July 14 - before the attack,
France will not extend the state of emergency imposed after last year's Islamist militant attacks in Paris in November beyond 26 July, President Francois Hollande has announced.
The president said in his traditional Bastille Day interview that it would not make sense for the emergency to be extended indefinitely.
That would mean the rule of law "no longer applied", Mr Hollande said.
July 15 - after the attack,
In a press conference on Friday morning, Hollande said "the state of emergency was extended in the country for three months beyond July 26".
UK chief rabbi says Labour anti-Semitism is concerning
Watch-Flashback Video PM Netanyahu In 2014 Interview Predicts Terror In France
14 Jul 2016
A few drops
Why Only a Few Drops of Water Came from the Rock
In March 2015, Hillary Clinton stated, "Third, after I left office, the State Department asked former secretaries of state for our assistance in providing copies of work-related emails from our personal accounts. I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related, which totaled roughly 55,000 printed pages..." You can view her speaking over here.
Is all work related emails were turned over, why was this question posed in yesterday's State Department briefing?
QUESTION: And the FBI is going to give them to you, the ones that they found that weren’t turned over, and the question was whether or not you guys are going to release those as you did with the original 55,000.
Other questions posed yesterday included the following:
QUESTION: Are you aware of the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York against Facebook for $1 billion allegedly for being a Hamas tool? Are you aware of that? Do you have any comment?
When asked about a report from the Hill committee on OneVoice referencing to the consulate general in Jerusalem deleting email that related to this grant, State Department Spokesperosn Mark Toner responded, " Michael Ratney was working, frankly, under State Department’s IT limitations – let me put it that way – with regard to the size of his in-box. And this is something that many of us have grappled with and continue to grapple with. And his deletion of any emails was simply – how do I put it – content-neutral housekeeping."
QUESTION: All right, okay. Then last one on Israel, and that is: I’m wondering if these comments by the guy who’s been named to be the chief rabbi of the IDF – he’s made some pretty controversial comments – have these hit your radar at all? Do you have anything to say about it?
In March 2015, Hillary Clinton stated, "Third, after I left office, the State Department asked former secretaries of state for our assistance in providing copies of work-related emails from our personal accounts. I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related, which totaled roughly 55,000 printed pages..." You can view her speaking over here.
Is all work related emails were turned over, why was this question posed in yesterday's State Department briefing?
QUESTION: And the FBI is going to give them to you, the ones that they found that weren’t turned over, and the question was whether or not you guys are going to release those as you did with the original 55,000.
Other questions posed yesterday included the following:
QUESTION: Are you aware of the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York against Facebook for $1 billion allegedly for being a Hamas tool? Are you aware of that? Do you have any comment?
When asked about a report from the Hill committee on OneVoice referencing to the consulate general in Jerusalem deleting email that related to this grant, State Department Spokesperosn Mark Toner responded, " Michael Ratney was working, frankly, under State Department’s IT limitations – let me put it that way – with regard to the size of his in-box. And this is something that many of us have grappled with and continue to grapple with. And his deletion of any emails was simply – how do I put it – content-neutral housekeeping."
QUESTION: All right, okay. Then last one on Israel, and that is: I’m wondering if these comments by the guy who’s been named to be the chief rabbi of the IDF – he’s made some pretty controversial comments – have these hit your radar at all? Do you have anything to say about it?
13 Jul 2016
12 Jul 2016
I don't understand
House Hearing Highlights Palestinian Authority’s System of Financially Rewarding Terror
Israel approves contentious NGO foreign funding law - is a site that offers short headlines with links to breaking news. The site posted, "Israel approves contentious NGO foreign funding law, parliament says - AFP" - Did the Parliament really say that they passed a contentious law?
Restrictions against Pollard are 'vindictive', his lawyers claim
Emuna Daily lesson
The other day I posted about how the 13 Principles of the Rambam begins with the words "Ani Maamin- I believe" but nowhere does it say "I understand." A friend told me that the badchan, Yonasan Schwartz, sings (in Yiddish) about it and I found the words in the beginning of a clip featuring an album of his.
Israel approves contentious NGO foreign funding law - is a site that offers short headlines with links to breaking news. The site posted, "Israel approves contentious NGO foreign funding law, parliament says - AFP" - Did the Parliament really say that they passed a contentious law?
Restrictions against Pollard are 'vindictive', his lawyers claim
Emuna Daily lesson
The other day I posted about how the 13 Principles of the Rambam begins with the words "Ani Maamin- I believe" but nowhere does it say "I understand." A friend told me that the badchan, Yonasan Schwartz, sings (in Yiddish) about it and I found the words in the beginning of a clip featuring an album of his.
11 Jul 2016
Ready for Moshiach
Netiv Aryeh Shana Bet: Ready For Moshiach
Kentucky Noah’s Ark Encounter opens amidst severe flooding
Facebook charged with aiding terror in billion dollar lawsuit
סוף הסאגה: החזן צבי וייס סיכם בבית הכנסת הגדול בירושלים - Cantor Tzvi Weiss is scheduled to perform the High Holiday services at Jerusalem's Great Synagogue.
Kentucky Noah’s Ark Encounter opens amidst severe flooding
Facebook charged with aiding terror in billion dollar lawsuit
סוף הסאגה: החזן צבי וייס סיכם בבית הכנסת הגדול בירושלים - Cantor Tzvi Weiss is scheduled to perform the High Holiday services at Jerusalem's Great Synagogue.
Pnei Moshiach
Mixing Moshiach’s Cup
‘The NEXT TARGET is the Republican National CONVENTION!’ – Rush predicts more BLM attacks
Watch: “Mekablin Pnei Moshiach” Event in Kikar Rabin, Tel Aviv
Chadrei Charedim has a clip about Rav Elyashiv. At the end of the clip, Rav Dov Halbertal states, "A journalist once asked me. 400,000 people were at the funeral? That's incredible. I said, "Do you know why 400,000 people were there? Because that man who was escorted by 400,000 people didn't care if there were two people at his funeral of if no one had ever heard of him."
‘The NEXT TARGET is the Republican National CONVENTION!’ – Rush predicts more BLM attacks
Watch: “Mekablin Pnei Moshiach” Event in Kikar Rabin, Tel Aviv
Chadrei Charedim has a clip about Rav Elyashiv. At the end of the clip, Rav Dov Halbertal states, "A journalist once asked me. 400,000 people were at the funeral? That's incredible. I said, "Do you know why 400,000 people were there? Because that man who was escorted by 400,000 people didn't care if there were two people at his funeral of if no one had ever heard of him."
10 Jul 2016
No answers
Sometimes there are no answers
Hillary Clinton: Too Big To Jail
"Zois Chukas HaTorah... ViYikchu Aylecha Parah Adumah"; This is the statute of the Torah... and they shall take to you a Parah Adumah. Why does it say, "Zois Chukas HaTorah" - "This is the statute of the Torah" - instead of "Zois Chukas Parah Adumah" - "This is the statute of the Parah Adumah"?
The laws concerning the Parah Adumah are paradoxical. On the one hand, when the mixture is sprinkled, a person who is Tamai becomes Tahor. On the other hand, those who are involved in the preparation of the Parah Adumah become Tamai.
The people appointed to prepare the Parah Adumah may rationally argue, "Why should we become Tamai for the sake of those who were not careful to avoid contact with a corpse"? Through the Chok of Parah Adumah, the Torah is teaching that a Jew must help another Jew even if reqires sacrifice. This is "Chukas HaTorah" - "a basic principle of Torah" - and though we may not easily comprehend it, we must practice it in our daily lives.
Hillary Clinton: Too Big To Jail
"Zois Chukas HaTorah... ViYikchu Aylecha Parah Adumah"; This is the statute of the Torah... and they shall take to you a Parah Adumah. Why does it say, "Zois Chukas HaTorah" - "This is the statute of the Torah" - instead of "Zois Chukas Parah Adumah" - "This is the statute of the Parah Adumah"?
The laws concerning the Parah Adumah are paradoxical. On the one hand, when the mixture is sprinkled, a person who is Tamai becomes Tahor. On the other hand, those who are involved in the preparation of the Parah Adumah become Tamai.
The people appointed to prepare the Parah Adumah may rationally argue, "Why should we become Tamai for the sake of those who were not careful to avoid contact with a corpse"? Through the Chok of Parah Adumah, the Torah is teaching that a Jew must help another Jew even if reqires sacrifice. This is "Chukas HaTorah" - "a basic principle of Torah" - and though we may not easily comprehend it, we must practice it in our daily lives.
A lapse of emunah
How can we say that Parah Adumah is a Chok and it has no reason? Rashi says in the name of Rebbi Moshe Hadarshan that the Parah Adumah is a Kapara for the Chet HaEgel. The mother cow comes and cleans up the mess of its calf. Is cleaning up our greatest aveira not reason enough?
The answer given by the mefarshim is that the Chet HaEgel was a lapse of emunah on the part of the Bnei Yisroel. Since they could not comprehend what was happening they demanded an intermediary that can help them. They refused to rely on Hashem. They wanted to see and understand their direction. Therefore by accepting the mitzva of Parah Adumah without understanding it rectifies the Chet HaEgel. The kapara of Chet HaEgel is a by product of a mitzva without a reason and not the reason itself.
A friend told me that she went to be menachem aveil someone who had just lost her husband. She told her that the Rambam has 13 Principles of emunah beginning with the words "Ani Maamin." There is not one principle starting with "Ani Mayvin."
Former MK: Reform Movement is trying to uproot halacha
The answer given by the mefarshim is that the Chet HaEgel was a lapse of emunah on the part of the Bnei Yisroel. Since they could not comprehend what was happening they demanded an intermediary that can help them. They refused to rely on Hashem. They wanted to see and understand their direction. Therefore by accepting the mitzva of Parah Adumah without understanding it rectifies the Chet HaEgel. The kapara of Chet HaEgel is a by product of a mitzva without a reason and not the reason itself.
A friend told me that she went to be menachem aveil someone who had just lost her husband. She told her that the Rambam has 13 Principles of emunah beginning with the words "Ani Maamin." There is not one principle starting with "Ani Mayvin."
Former MK: Reform Movement is trying to uproot halacha
8 Jul 2016
The Rebbe's Ohel
Parashat Korah: An Argument for the Sake of Heaven
The Wall Street Journal has an article titled Obama Says Police Killings of Two Black Men Should Trouble All Americans. Embedded in the article is a video in which President Obama opines, "This is an American issue that we should all care about. All fair minded people should be concerned."
Waiting for the President to say the same thing about the cops that were shot in and killed in Dallas.
פרשת חקת • הגאון רבי דוד לאו עם וורט על הפרשה
On My Flight Home From New York
Crowds Converge on Rebbe's Ohel
The Wall Street Journal has an article titled Obama Says Police Killings of Two Black Men Should Trouble All Americans. Embedded in the article is a video in which President Obama opines, "This is an American issue that we should all care about. All fair minded people should be concerned."
Waiting for the President to say the same thing about the cops that were shot in and killed in Dallas.
פרשת חקת • הגאון רבי דוד לאו עם וורט על הפרשה
On My Flight Home From New York
Crowds Converge on Rebbe's Ohel
7 Jul 2016
6 Jul 2016
Hu Haya Omer
Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut
The video above compares what Hillary Clinton said with what James Comey said. Yesterday I heard someone speaking about Pirkei Avot and she asked the question, "Why does it say "Hu Haya Omer" as opposed to "Hu Amar"? Below are two explanations.
Whenever a statement in Pirke’ Avos is introduced with the words, “He used to say”-“Hu Haya Omer” the Rav Bartenura, explains it to mean that he said it frequently and repeatedly... Another explanation can be gleaned from the opposite of the following bizarre example:
A young doctor gave an amazingly clear presentation about the dangers associated with cigarette smoking. Everyone left the auditorium so inspired, informed, and impressed that it would be hard to imagine that anyone who witnessed the talk could ever touch one of those tobacco sticks. Yet the very next day that same doctor was spotted in the street dragging shamelessly on a cigarette. When approached and reproached with both shock and dismay he responded in a cavalier fashion... So said this doctor, “What do you want from me? That was a lecture!”
Whenever the Mishne says, “Hu Haya Omer-He used to say” it may be read more literally, “He was what he spoke!”
'ראשי התיבות של הגר"ח קנייבסקי לחודש 'תמוז
The summer (the period of Tamuz) is the “holiday” of the eyes. It is the time that one must “guard” his eyes to see only that which is good (in the world in general and in his fellow man in particular) and modest. The ability to guard and focus one’s eyesight correctly is the rectified “sense” of sight. Read more:
Mother of slain teen rejects Women of Wall plan to pray in daughter’s name
The video above compares what Hillary Clinton said with what James Comey said. Yesterday I heard someone speaking about Pirkei Avot and she asked the question, "Why does it say "Hu Haya Omer" as opposed to "Hu Amar"? Below are two explanations.
Whenever a statement in Pirke’ Avos is introduced with the words, “He used to say”-“Hu Haya Omer” the Rav Bartenura, explains it to mean that he said it frequently and repeatedly... Another explanation can be gleaned from the opposite of the following bizarre example:
A young doctor gave an amazingly clear presentation about the dangers associated with cigarette smoking. Everyone left the auditorium so inspired, informed, and impressed that it would be hard to imagine that anyone who witnessed the talk could ever touch one of those tobacco sticks. Yet the very next day that same doctor was spotted in the street dragging shamelessly on a cigarette. When approached and reproached with both shock and dismay he responded in a cavalier fashion... So said this doctor, “What do you want from me? That was a lecture!”
Whenever the Mishne says, “Hu Haya Omer-He used to say” it may be read more literally, “He was what he spoke!”
'ראשי התיבות של הגר"ח קנייבסקי לחודש 'תמוז
The summer (the period of Tamuz) is the “holiday” of the eyes. It is the time that one must “guard” his eyes to see only that which is good (in the world in general and in his fellow man in particular) and modest. The ability to guard and focus one’s eyesight correctly is the rectified “sense” of sight. Read more:
Mother of slain teen rejects Women of Wall plan to pray in daughter’s name
Hu Haya Omer
Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut
The video above compares what Hillary Clinton said with what James Comey said. Yesterday I heard someone speaking about Pirkei Avot and she asked the question, "Why does it say "Hu Haya Omer" as opposed to "Hu Amar"? Below are two explanations.
Whenever a statement in Pirke’ Avos is introduced with the words, “He used to say”-“Hu Haya Omer” the Rav Bartenura, explains it to mean that he said it frequently and repeatedly... Another explanation can be gleaned from the opposite of the following bizarre example:
A young doctor gave an amazingly clear presentation about the dangers associated with cigarette smoking. Everyone left the auditorium so inspired, informed, and impressed that it would be hard to imagine that anyone who witnessed the talk could ever touch one of those tobacco sticks. Yet the very next day that same doctor was spotted in the street dragging shamelessly on a cigarette. When approached and reproached with both shock and dismay he responded in a cavalier fashion... So said this doctor, “What do you want from me? That was a lecture!”
Whenever the Mishne says, “Hu Haya Omer-He used to say” it may be read more literally, “He was what he spoke!”
'ראשי התיבות של הגר"ח קנייבסקי לחודש 'תמוז
The summer (the period of Tamuz) is the “holiday” of the eyes. It is the time that one must “guard” his eyes to see only that which is good (in the world in general and in his fellow man in particular) and modest. The ability to guard and focus one’s eyesight correctly is the rectified “sense” of sight. Read more:
Mother of slain teen rejects Women of Wall plan to pray in daughter’s name
The video above compares what Hillary Clinton said with what James Comey said. Yesterday I heard someone speaking about Pirkei Avot and she asked the question, "Why does it say "Hu Haya Omer" as opposed to "Hu Amar"? Below are two explanations.
Whenever a statement in Pirke’ Avos is introduced with the words, “He used to say”-“Hu Haya Omer” the Rav Bartenura, explains it to mean that he said it frequently and repeatedly... Another explanation can be gleaned from the opposite of the following bizarre example:
A young doctor gave an amazingly clear presentation about the dangers associated with cigarette smoking. Everyone left the auditorium so inspired, informed, and impressed that it would be hard to imagine that anyone who witnessed the talk could ever touch one of those tobacco sticks. Yet the very next day that same doctor was spotted in the street dragging shamelessly on a cigarette. When approached and reproached with both shock and dismay he responded in a cavalier fashion... So said this doctor, “What do you want from me? That was a lecture!”
Whenever the Mishne says, “Hu Haya Omer-He used to say” it may be read more literally, “He was what he spoke!”
'ראשי התיבות של הגר"ח קנייבסקי לחודש 'תמוז
The summer (the period of Tamuz) is the “holiday” of the eyes. It is the time that one must “guard” his eyes to see only that which is good (in the world in general and in his fellow man in particular) and modest. The ability to guard and focus one’s eyesight correctly is the rectified “sense” of sight. Read more:
Mother of slain teen rejects Women of Wall plan to pray in daughter’s name
5 Jul 2016
Moral equivalence
Moral equivalence has become a moral atrocity
Tammy Just Wants to go Back to Being a Normal Girl.... Please Help! - Watch the video and you will have a deeper appreciation and gratitude to Hashem for your health.
The IDF and COGAT's Civil Administration issued a decree Monday night announcing plans to demolish the West Bank home of Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Tarayrah, 17, who murdered Israeli teenager Hallel Yaffa Ariel in her sleep in Kiryat on June 30.
Read more:
BreakingNews picked up on the above article by translating a tweet regarding the demolition. The original tweet translated to "Muhammad Tarayrah, man who killed." Notice how BreakingNews inserts, "man who they say killed."
Tammy Just Wants to go Back to Being a Normal Girl.... Please Help! - Watch the video and you will have a deeper appreciation and gratitude to Hashem for your health.
The IDF and COGAT's Civil Administration issued a decree Monday night announcing plans to demolish the West Bank home of Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Tarayrah, 17, who murdered Israeli teenager Hallel Yaffa Ariel in her sleep in Kiryat on June 30.
Read more:
BreakingNews picked up on the above article by translating a tweet regarding the demolition. The original tweet translated to "Muhammad Tarayrah, man who killed." Notice how BreakingNews inserts, "man who they say killed."

4 Jul 2016
3 Jul 2016
The photo of two who were niftar this weekend
Elie Wiesel hangs a mezuzah - next to Michael Mark
Dear Barack: Why Ahmed, But Not Hallel
New York Times Corrects Mistranslations Which Downplayed Palestinian Mother's Praise for Son's Terrorism
'It's A Charade': Judge Jeanine On Why Hillary Won't Be Indicted For Her Emails
Dear Barack: Why Ahmed, But Not Hallel
New York Times Corrects Mistranslations Which Downplayed Palestinian Mother's Praise for Son's Terrorism
'It's A Charade': Judge Jeanine On Why Hillary Won't Be Indicted For Her Emails
More about everybody else
A NYT article describes Boris Becker's coaching of top ranked Novak Djokovic.
Becker, a father of four children, feels the timing was right.
“I think I’m a much better coach now at 48 than I would have been at 38, because at 38, it was still a lot about me,” Becker said. “Now, the kids have grown older, so you become a little more mature, a little more about everybody else than you.
Yitzchik Adlertien writes about the petira of rabbi Maurice Lamm.
He understood what fewer and fewer of us today understand: HKBH expects us to give up parts of our individual comfort for the good of the tzibbur.
It takes team players to build a successful company — just ask Facebook.
...“Successful candidates should clearly demonstrate that their priorities are company, team, and self — in that order,” Parikh continued. “This makes it more likely that they’ll put the company’s mission above their individual interests and that they’ll set the proper example for others.”
Becker, a father of four children, feels the timing was right.
“I think I’m a much better coach now at 48 than I would have been at 38, because at 38, it was still a lot about me,” Becker said. “Now, the kids have grown older, so you become a little more mature, a little more about everybody else than you.
Yitzchik Adlertien writes about the petira of rabbi Maurice Lamm.
He understood what fewer and fewer of us today understand: HKBH expects us to give up parts of our individual comfort for the good of the tzibbur.
It takes team players to build a successful company — just ask Facebook.
...“Successful candidates should clearly demonstrate that their priorities are company, team, and self — in that order,” Parikh continued. “This makes it more likely that they’ll put the company’s mission above their individual interests and that they’ll set the proper example for others.”
1 Jul 2016
The environment of fear
Parshas Shelach - A Divine Track Record
Parshas Shelach - For The Love of Our Land
Continuing violence, terrorism and incitement, settlement expansion, and the Palestinian Authority’s lack of control of Gaza are hurting the Middle East peace process, the United Nations envoy today said summarizing the first ever report by the diplomatic Quartet – comprising the United Nations, Russia, the United States and the European Union – to the Security Council.
“The main objective of this report is not about assigning blame,” Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, told the 15-member council.
...The Security Council met amid fresh violence in the region. Just a few hours earlier, a 13-year-old girl was stabbed to death by a Palestinian at her home in West Bank. Earlier in the month, four Israelis died in an attack in Tel Aviv, and a Palestinian teenager was killed by Israeli Security Forces on a highway.
“All three incidents clearly illustrate the environment of fear in which both Palestinians and Israelis have lived for generations,” Mr. Mladenov said.
This morning the JPost reported Female terrorist shot, killed following thwarted terror attack in Hebron.
Perhaps this incident can be added to the Quartet's report to illustrate the Palestinians living in fear of being shot.
Obama Administration Wants to Keep Clinton Foundation Emails Hidden Until Late 2018
This past week, the President tweeted, "After more than 100 days, the Supreme Court still needs its 9th judge, but the Senate GOP refuses to do its job and consider Judge Garland."
If it takes roughly 800 days to produce email correspondence, should it not take longer to vet a Supreme Court nominee?
There was ANOTHER nightclub shooting and the media isn’t telling you about it. HERE’S WHY
Parshas Shelach - For The Love of Our Land
Continuing violence, terrorism and incitement, settlement expansion, and the Palestinian Authority’s lack of control of Gaza are hurting the Middle East peace process, the United Nations envoy today said summarizing the first ever report by the diplomatic Quartet – comprising the United Nations, Russia, the United States and the European Union – to the Security Council.
“The main objective of this report is not about assigning blame,” Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, told the 15-member council.
...The Security Council met amid fresh violence in the region. Just a few hours earlier, a 13-year-old girl was stabbed to death by a Palestinian at her home in West Bank. Earlier in the month, four Israelis died in an attack in Tel Aviv, and a Palestinian teenager was killed by Israeli Security Forces on a highway.
“All three incidents clearly illustrate the environment of fear in which both Palestinians and Israelis have lived for generations,” Mr. Mladenov said.
This morning the JPost reported Female terrorist shot, killed following thwarted terror attack in Hebron.
Perhaps this incident can be added to the Quartet's report to illustrate the Palestinians living in fear of being shot.
Obama Administration Wants to Keep Clinton Foundation Emails Hidden Until Late 2018
This past week, the President tweeted, "After more than 100 days, the Supreme Court still needs its 9th judge, but the Senate GOP refuses to do its job and consider Judge Garland."
If it takes roughly 800 days to produce email correspondence, should it not take longer to vet a Supreme Court nominee?
There was ANOTHER nightclub shooting and the media isn’t telling you about it. HERE’S WHY
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