
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

9 Aug 2015

Mazal Tov - it's a girl!

At the Bikur Cholim Hospital in central Jerusalem on Sunday a baby girl was born to the Braun family, whose three-month-old baby girl Chaya Zisel Braun was tragically murdered last October when she was run over by a car in a Hamas terror attack.

The birth is particularly special given that the Brauns had waited many years to conceive Chaya Zisel, only to have her stolen from them so tragically soon after she war born.
Read more: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/199237#.Vce7S_mqqko

Lauren Kay, CEO of Dating Ring, gives advice on how to redress the imbalance of Jewish male dating partners for Jewish girls living in New York.

You're setting religion as a deal breaker -- even though you aren't religious. For people who are very religious, I totally understand that Judaism is a deal breaker. But for those who are secular AND who must marry someone Jewish, my suggestion is to change this deal breaker. Be open to both Jewish men, and to men who don't identify with any religion. 

Vera Lawlor, from The Bergen Record in Hakensack, NJ., wrote that inter-faith marriages have a failure rate that is 50% higher than same-faith marriages.

When an L.A. businessman decided to keep Shabbos

1 comment:

  1. It seems Ms. Kay is not Jewish and cannot understand that in Judaism,, there is no such thing as a choice or compromise when it comes to marriage. It is Divine Law and she should be told that it is a commandment and not a deal breaker. Very distressing that so many Jews are so ignorant of who they are and have to be advised by an outsider. It's sickening.
