
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

5 Jun 2013


Chabad Crown Heights info reports on two incidents in which young Jewish girls had glass bottles thrown at them while walking in the Brooklyn neighborhood. Click here to read the article.

The site also reports about  Rabbi Yaakov Monsonego, the principal of the Ohr Hatorah school in Toulouse France, who also lost his 6-year-old daughter Miriam in a terror attack last year, is visiting New York, along with his wife, in an attmept to raise money for extra security at his school.

The speaker in the video below discusses Parshat Korach and Machloket. Towards the end, he discusses a time when Rabbis Eliezer and Akiva were called upon to pray for rain and how Rabbi Akiva's prayers were answered because he was a vatran, someone willing to forgive personal insults.


  1. it's time to go home Israel !
    not time to raise money for extra security in galus !!!
    Three types of shofars that may be blown.
    From a ram's horn, from any kosher animal other than a cow, from the horn of any non-kosher animal.
    Shofar gadol, shofar Beinoni, shofar qatane.
    Don’t choose the last one, it's up to you. We don't need more episode like To loose!

  2. From a ram's horn, from any kosher animal other than a cow, from the horn of any non-kosher animal.
    Shofar gadol, shofar Beinoni, shofar qatane.
    Don’t choose the last one, it's up to you. We don't need more episode like To loose!
    can you please explain the above esp the dont choose the third. thanks.

    1. To 10rainbow, here you go:

      Rav Kook on the Shofar


      The year is 1933. Rav Kook , the first Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel (then referred to as Palestine) delivers a sermon in the Old City of Jerusalem on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

      Hitler’s grip on Germany was tightening which was a cause for great concern. At the same time Jewish presence in Israel was growing rapidly in Israel. The juxtaposition of these events seemed to point at an impending redemption.

      In Jewish prayers, when the End of Days is spoken about a great Shofar is mentioned, “a great Shofar of our liberation”. The question is asked what the character of this Shofar and why is it large?

      It is relayed that three types of Shofarot can be blown on Rosh Hashanah to fulfill the commandment of sounding the Shofar. Ideally, a ram’s horn should be used. If there is not one available, then any type of Kosher animal’s horn may be used, barring a cow. Lastly, if no Kosher horns are available, a non-Kosher one may be used but a blessing will not be recited over it.

      Rav Kook explained how these three options are a reflection of the three possible Shofarot of redemption which will bring the Jewish people home to Israel.

      Preferably, the ideal Shofar of redemption is one through which the Jewish people return to Israel because of lofty motivations- out of a desire to become closer to G-d and to achieve a higher level of holiness. This parallels the rams’ horn and the selfless act of Abraham in binding his beloved only son, Isaac. Sages such as Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi, Rabbi Ovadia of Bartenura, disciples of the Ba’al Shem Tov and of the Vilna Gaon are all perfect examples of this type of return to the Land through spiritual awakening.

      A lower level of redemption is the one that brings Jews back through a longing for the land of their forefathers, wanting to live as a free people, provide their children with a Jewish education and so forth. This is also a “Kosher” option and can be blessed over but is not as lofty as the first type.

      Rav Kook, when speaking about the third option burst into tears. This is when the Jewish people are forced back to Israel through anti-Semitism in the lands they are dwelling in. The Jews, tormented and persecuted have no option but to seek a safe haven in Israel. The unclean Shofarot become uplifted into Shofarot that herald in the Redemption.

      It is our greatest hope to merit to be redeemed through the holiest of all three Shofarot; the one that is most suitable for a holy nation. Each day, we should fervently await the call that will bring about the full redemption.

      Adapted from http://www.ravkooktorah.org/ROSH_65.htm
