
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

26 Mar 2012

The interview

Chadrei Charedim has an interview in Hebrew with Eva Sandler. She speaks about how important it is to relate to your children and your husband, even if you are tired or busy. She went to bed the evening before the attack and told her husband that she hadn't said the prayer of "shema" with her children, as she was accustomed to every night, since she had returned from visiting her parents and had been busy. She also asks people to take something small upon themselves and that, G-d willing, will hasten the redemption.
She spoke aboout the unity of the people of Israel and how many came to speak to her this past week, even people she did not know. She stated that Hashem gave her the strength to carry on.
When she was asked to describe her children, she said that they were fabulous children, always looking out for each other. She related how her parents took her oldest child to Israel a few weeks ago for a wedding. They were at a toy store and they told him to buy something for himself. He said that he was in Israel enjoying himself so he would like to buy something for his brother who was back home, instead.

Let's take something upon ourselves as Mrs. Sandler requested.

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