
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

5 Mar 2012

For the best

The other day I caught a clip of Rabbi Lazer Brody exhorting his audience to "close your eyes and think of the very worst trauma you ever had and now think of how Hashem did everything for the best." He related how a traumatic day subject to enemy fire became the best day in his life as it led him to do teshuva.
I thought of his words as I read an article about a fire at a nursery school.

A fire broke out in a nursery in the town of Elad on Sunday, leaving 18 toddlers and two caretakers lightly-wounded from smoke inhalation.
Employees of the nursery managed to avert a tragedy and put the flames out before any of the toddlers or staff was seriously injured.

Chadrei Chareidim reports of a miracle that transpired after the babies were sent to hospital to be checked for smoke inhalation. One infant who underwent a comprehensive series of tests was discovered to have a birth defect in his lungs which could have endangered his life. As a result, the baby remained in hospital for treatment. In the hospital there was talk of a miracle from heaven, as had the infant not been examined, the defect might have remained undetected until it would have been too late for treatment.

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