
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

27 Mar 2012

Hester Panim

Yesterday I received an email to say 121 תְּהִלִּים for Aharon ben Leah, who was shot during the Toulouse attack.

Last night I posted about what Hagaon Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg z'l said during Purim this year about how Mashiach is at the entrance. The Rabbi also said that the next few weeks will be a time of "Hester Panim." Click here for a beautiful thought about the concept of Hashem hiding His face.
The following is an excerpt from the article.

In reality there is no such thing as 'Hester Panim'. It is only an illusion, the objective of which is to examine us on how we relate to the hiding. Do we continue to seek Him out, or do we give up searching for Hashem the moment that His presence is no longer obvious. The one who strives to the utmost of his ability to search out Hashem, is rewarded in the end with a greater closeness than he ever before was able to achieve.

The other day I posted about a video of Miriam Monsonego in which her brother cries out the verse from 13 תְּהִלִּים of Tehillim.
"עד אנה ה' תשכחני נצח, עד אנה תסתיר את פניך ממני, עד אנה יקום אויבי עלי
How long, O HaShem, wilt Thou forget me for ever? How long wilt Thou hide Thy face from me?

As we hear of yer another tragedy in Israel where a father and his young children perished in a house fire, we realize that the words of the Rabbi were prophetic.

1 comment:

  1. Yidden all over the world are asked to continue reciting Tehillim and learn Torah as a Zechus for the famous Magid of the generation Harav Shlomo Brevda Shlita, who is in need of a Refuah Sheleimah. He has been hospitalized at a medical center in Manhattan his condition is critical.
    The name for Tehillim is: “Shlomo Leib ben Miriam”

    In his zechus, please read the following:

    In one of Rav Shlomo Brevda Shlita Droshes he pointed out, that as much as we admire the men who learn Torah (we surely all do), we should admire their spouses and any spouse taking care of the home even more.

    The men feel the tremendous pleasure of Toiling in Torah. Working on a difficult piece an eventually seeing even a drop of light can be a tremendous feeling of ecstasy.

    However, what satisfaction do the women feel? She works hard day and night and then the kids get hurt and she has to calm them, clean them, make supper, clean the house, laundry, Pesach clean too.......

    A woman who encourages their spouses to go and learn Torah while they take care of the home will get the fullest reward of learning Torah on the highest level in the world to come!

    Rav Brevda concluded this point by assuring that he has a very good source for this. He recalled that he heard it from Rav Aharon Kotler, z.t.l. 63 years ago (1949) the Rosh Hayeshivah and founder of the Lakewood Yeshiva the following.
    Rav Aharon said that men get a Sippuk-sense of fulfillment from learning Torah. What do the women get? We sometimes "Batul"-waste our time in middle of learning-but women are constantly busy, non stop, they don’t have Bain Hazmanim to wake up late like some men do etc.

    Rav Aharon stressed that the women will share in the reward for our learning Torah but they won’t share in any part of our Bitul Torah.

    Rav Brevda recalls that some of the "Yunger-Leit"-members of the Kolel in Lakewood where surprised and ask Rav Aharon for clarification, "Are you saying that my wife will get more out of my own Torah learning than I will?

    Rav Aharon answered emphatically, "Yah”!! Gleib mir vos ich zog!!-Yes!!! believe me what I say!! Women are sacrificing more than men, especially in our generation. They are fully assured that they will be rewarded in full. We can never be sure if we have fully fulfilled our Tachlis in this world.

    Rav Brevda Shlita is one of the most well-known Maggidei Shiur and Darshanim who has delivered thousands of Drashos in Jewish communities worldwide. Rav Brevda is the author of numerous Sforim, including volumes on Yomim Tovim. His writings on the Torah of the Vilna Gaon and the Gaon’s Sforim in Aggadah and Kabbolah are particularly well known.

    The name for Tehillim is: “Shlomo Leib ben Miriam”
