
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

10 Jun 2011

Lifting a finger

A couple of days ago, I linked to an article about Carolyn Fine, an observant Jew, who was in a quandary because she was chosen to be valedictorian but her speech was to be delivered on Shavuot.
The Cool Jew has a video relating her story.
A man posted a video on YouTube about how he thought it was ridiculous that Ms. Fine wouldn't use any electrical apparatus for two days. He asked, "Couldn't G-d give her dispensation for half an hour? Do you think G-d really cares?"

The Gemara states:
"Eyn adam nokef etzbao lemata-ad she'machrizim aleya milemala" ("and one doesn't knock a finger below unless it is announced beforehand above" - Talmud Chullin 7b).

Yes. G-d cares whether a person puts on tefillin, prays, doesn't turn on a light on Shabbos, etc.

Here's a wonderful story about a man who seized the opportunity to get another Jew to don tefillin for the first time since his bar mitzvah.

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