
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

24 Dec 2010

Time to say Good Shabbos

I caught a review of a book by Chana Sharfstein about her struggles during a life filled with difficulties.
In the self-published Beyond the Dollar Line, a new volume available for purchase from the Kehot Publication Society,... she lays bare her philosophy of life, much of it gleaned from guidance given her by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. Over the course of 244 pages, she shares a multitude of stories, excerpts of conversations and correspondence, describing almost poetically how they continue to guide her more than 16 years after the Jewish leader’s passing.
...In another vignette, Sharfstein writes of some comments the Rebbe had to a draft of an article she wrote about encouraging other Jewish women to light Shabbat and holiday candles. In the article, she presented stories of women who had at first felt that it was “impossible” to commit to lighting candles each week.
The Rebbe, however, changed the word “impossible” to “very difficult.”
“Something that is viewed as impossible blocks change,” Sharfstein concludes in the book. But “very difficult means a challenge that can be overcome.”

This week INN and Yeranen Yaakov, among others, posted articles about Rabbanit Tzivya Eliyahu, widow of former Sephardic Chief Rabbi, who is encouraging people to observe the Sabbath.
Each individual can make a difference, she said, “When I asked the rabbi, he always said that even just one extra person keeping the Sabbath day could tip the scales in favor of everyone.”
“I am convinced that this is a favorable time,” the Rabbanit continued. “Many people have free time, and many Jews who unfortunately work on the Sabbath day can avoid doing so on the next two Sabbaths, the twenty-fifth of December and the first of January.”


So, those of you who want to give it a try for the first time, remember, it is not an impossible task, but rather a very difficult one. And for those of you who think you will be bored, not partaking of your usual Saturday entertainment activities, why not spend the time and read Chana Sharfstein's new book?

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