
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

14 Dec 2010

The blame game

After Adam and Chava ate from the Etz HaDa'at, they hid themselves from Hashem, apparently realizing they had done something wrong. When Hashem called out to Adam, asking, "Where are you?" (Bereishit 3:9), Hashem's intention was to give Adam an opportunity to admit what he had done wrong (see Rasag, Rashi, Radak), a key step in the teshuvah process. Unfortunately, the couple never admitted their sin. Instead, Adam blamed Chava, who in turn blamed the serpent.

The family of the Stockholm suicide bomber last night blamed Britain for his transformation from an “ordinary teenager” to an al-Qaeda fanatic.

A shark attack in Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh being blamed on Mossad agents, the Carmel fire being blamed on the Prime Minister, the Interior Minister - anyone but the youths who started the fire, and a slew of other stories about people blaming anyone but the perpetrators..... Where is the personal responsibility? Instead of protecting those responsible, let's begin to teach them that their actions have consequences.

An article today in IsraelNationalNews discusses how Arab youths who throw stones are protected by liberal organizations.
“Today, when one of these youths is arrested, he is legally permitted to basically sit in an interrogation room and make fun of police,” Indor said. “The youth is required by law to have his father present, so of course no headway is made in the interrogation. And besides, the youths have a whole array of liberal and leftist organizations, like B'tselem, at the ready to defend them, regardless of what they have done.”

Imam Rauf partly blamed America for the September 11 attacks.
In 2001, Rauf told CBS’s ’60 Minutes’ that the U.S. was partially responsible for the September 11th attacks.
“I wouldn`t say that the United States deserved what happened. But the United States` policies were an accessory to the crime that happened,” Rauf said.

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