
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

30 Aug 2009

The Religious Affairs Ministry and Halacha

Last week I posted a comment by Religious Affairs Ministry Ya'acov Margi where he stated, "According to the law for Jewish Religious Services, the Chief Rabbinate is the sole body responsible for providing religious services. And they do this in accordance with halacha. Since the Conservative and the Reform do not conform to halacha they are not eligible for state funds."

Natan Sharansky, Jewish Agency Chairman, penned a letter to Minister Margi last week in response to the Minister's claim.

"I was surprised to read your statements in The Jerusalem Post in which you claim that only institutions that are run in accordance with Halacha are eligible for Religious Affairs Ministry funding," wrote Sharansky. "I wish to remind you that the Religious Affairs Ministry is not a halachic body and is responsible for providing religious services to all citizens of the state of Israel from all religions, streams and congregations who need these services.
"The Religious Affairs Ministry must ensure religious freedom and prevent infringement of citizens' rights in this field. The Jewish Agency calls on the Religious Affairs Ministry to fulfill its responsibility to all the religious congregations in Israel and to foster mutual respect and brotherhood among different religious approaches and beliefs. By doing so the ministry will deepen appreciation and respect for Jewish tradition."
To read full article, click on link below.

One comment addressed to the Sharansky letter posted on the JPost website was, "Does that mean Messianic Jews should be funded as well?"

Another reader commented, "I'll start my own form of Jewdaism - the state can fund me - maybe not."

As for me, I fail to see how the ministry will deepen appreciation for Jewish tradition by catering to movements which don't conform to Jewish law and make up their own rules as they go along. As far as I am concerned, Torah laws are immutable and Halacha must be followed to ensure the continuity, respect and appreciation of Judaism.

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