
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

14 Dec 2023

The Donuts

This morning I was listening to Kol BeRama, an Israeli radio station that broadcasts in Hebrew. There was a woman who was interviewed who spoke about an incident that happened to her son recently. He is 13 years old, and went with some friends to a mall and ate at a Kosher McDonald's store. When they exited the food establishment, they came across a Roladin bakery and were ogling the beautiful selection of donuts on display. They were just looking, knowing full well they could not indulge at the moment, for they had eaten a meal with meat and had to wait six hours until they would be able to eat dairy food.

A secular woman saw them eyeing the donuts and told them to choose whichever ones they wanted and she would pay for them. The boys declined, but she was insistent. The Roladin donuts were not cheap, but she wanted to spoil these Orthodox Jewish boys. At the end, they acquiesced, but took the donuts home so they could eat them after the requisite six hours they needed to wait between eating meat and dairy products.

When the young boy got home, he related the story to his mother and told her.

"Since the war, I have felt that the Israeli nation is bridging the differences between them and I see people from whatever background smiling at each other. You know what I wish for? I wish that this feeling of unity and feelings of trying to make others, regardless of their diverse opinions and lifestyles, smile, would last after the war when we return back to our regular routines."

All I can say is 'Amen."

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