
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

24 Dec 2023

The Bag on the Bus

Many people have taken upon themselves kabalot during these fraught times. I heard a person on the radio this afternoon who related that last night, people were calling up the radio station, stating which kabalot they were accepting. One spoke about reciting Tehillim. The radio host said that he was going to start his program with a chapter of Tehillim, and he proceeded with Mizmor L'Todah.

I started learning Shaar Habitachon - Gate of Trust, and I found a nice explanation to accompany the text in English at a Chabad website. While I was on the bus this morning, I came across a line which caught my eye.

A reflection for happiness: If G‑d recreates you every moment and G‑d only does good, then everything in your life is good.

Soon after, a woman approached the front of the bus, asking the passengers if the bag in the back of the bus belonged to anyone. When no one answered in the affirmative, the bus driver went to check the back of the bus and told the passengers to disembark, as he had to call in the incident. Quite soon afterwards, two police officers got on the bus and determined that a sapper would be needed to determine what to do with the item. A young woman arrived in a special white van, donned protective clothing, and went to investigate. I started saying Tehillim as a second bus approached, and I was able to proceed to my destination.

I would like to convey my thanks to the bus driver, the policemen and the young woman who put their lives on the line to protect Israeli citizens. I do believe that the bag was left inadvertently by a former passenger, as I saw the bus driver following our bus, a few minutes later. A special thank you to G-d who recreates us every moment. Mizmor L'Todah.

הרב יגאל כהן | גם בחושך - לא מפסיקים לאהוב את אבא

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