
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

6 Dec 2016

More than I deserve

When Leah had her fourth child she named him Yehudah, saying, "HaPaam Odeh Es Hashem" - "This time I must thank Hashem". Rashi is bothered, why is it specifically by this child that she had to thank Hashem? He explains, Leah knew that Yaakov would have 4 wives and 12 children. According to the calculation, it comes out to 3 children per wife. Therefore, when Leah had her forth child she said, "HaPaam Odeh Es Hashem" - "This time I must thank Hashem" - As Rashi explains, "ShNatalti Yoser MiChelki" - "For I have received more than my portion."

I once heard a pshat, it is for this reason, the Jewish Nation is known by the name "Yehudi". Since every Jew must look at what his lot is in this world and say, "Natalti Yoser MiChelki" - I have received more than my share.... More than I deserve!!

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