
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

18 Mar 2015

Low expectations

Three swastikas were spray-painted inside a Jewish fraternity house at Vanderbilt University over the weekend, prompting condemnation from the administration and Jewish groups on and off campus.

State Department Spokesperson, Jen Psaki, responded to a reporter asking whether former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had signed a separation form upon leaving the Department.

Well, we have reviewed Secretary Clinton’s official personnel file and administrative files and do not have any record of her signing the OF-109. In addition, after looking into their official personnel files, we did not locate any record of either of her immediate predecessors signing this form. It’s not clear that this form is used as part of a standard part of checkout across the federal government or even at the State Department. So we’re certainly looking into that.

She also addressed a journalist who asked about Israeli elections, "Keep your expectations low, Said."

A post headline reads, Benjamin Netanyahu declares victory; ‘Is it a violation of the Logan Act’ to congratulate him?

Below the post are various tweets including, "If @netanyahu wins tonight will Obama be calling him to congratulate the leader of our country's closest ally?"

The family-run business that was the very first company to file a lawsuit against the Obama administration HHS mandate, that forced companies to pay for abortion-causing drugs for their employees, won its legal challenge.

The individual in the video below discusses this week's parsha which is about bringing sacrfices. He says, " As we are giving of ourselves, we are preserving ourselves.
I just read the same idea in a daily email about emunah which I received today. The email contained a story about a woman who was in need of a shidduch and wanted a teaching job, as well. She was scheduled to meet a principal for an interview when she bumped into a friend who was married and desperately looking for a job to feed her family. She told her friend about the position and both were invited for interviews.
 When the single girl was offered the position, she thought to herself that she was still being supported by her parents and didn't need the salary as desperately as her married friend. She requested the rebbetzin who interviewed her to hire the her friend instead.
Soon after, the single girl received a shidduch suggestion. The boy was the son of the rebbetzin who hqd been impressed by her character and her sacrifice for her friend. She eventually got engaged to him and also received a job offer at the school.

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