
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

14 Jul 2014

Waging war

“VaYitzbi’u Al Midyan KaAsher Tziva Hashem”, they fought Midyan the way Hashem commanded.  The Sifri says that when you wage war on a city do not surround it on all for sides.  Surround it from three sides and leave a fourth side to allow the enemy to escape.  The Smag and the Ramban both hold that this is one of the 248 mitzvos Aseh.  The Rambam (Milachim 6:7) brings this down L’Halacha but does not count it among the Mitzvos Aseh.

The Radvaz on the Rambam says the reason for this Mitzva is to allow people to flee death.  It is the last chance for Rachamim.  This last gesture is granted despite the fact that they were already offered to surrender and live in peace yet refused.  All this says the Radvaz, is because the ways of the Torah are “Sholom”.

The Ramban gives the same reason as the Radvaz and adds another strategic reason.  If someone has their back to the wall with no way of escape, they will fight viciously until the bitter end.  Do not strengthen their resolve against you, says the Ramban.  Let them know there is another option.

Teens' 1,000 #TefillinforIsrael

Teens from Aliya in Crown Heights are working to get 1,000 people to put on Tefillin in the merit of the safety of Israel.
Read more: http://www.collive.com/show_news.rtx?id=31136&alias=teens-1-000-tefillinforisrael

Rabbi Yair Hoffman writes about The 17th of Tammuz and the Three Weeks over here.

Michael Widlanski writes for the NYPost about Living Under Fire.

The UN secretary-general calls these terror attacks merely “irresponsible”; we know that he and his UN colleagues will condemn us for defending ourselves. Sorry: We’d rather have their condemnations than their condolences.

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