
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

29 Apr 2014

No baby

Haaretz has an article titled U.S. demanding swift solution for equality at Western Wall, says Israeli official.

The U.S. administration is highly involved and interested in reaching a suitable and swift solution to non-Orthodox prayer arrangements at the Western Wall, according to an official in the Prime Minister’s Office, who also said the issue affects Israel’s foreign relations.

A comment posted at the end of the article reads, "And, I presume, equally for a plan to allow Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. After all, discrimination is discrimination, isn't it?"

KikarHashabat has an article which reports that Rav Aharon Leib Steinman warned that excessive expenditure at weddings may cause "ayin hara" and might even lead to fertility problems.

This afternoon I attended a Tehillim gathering organized to pray for those who are single and are trying to find the zivug hagun.
Before we began, a woman related that she recites the whole book of Tehillim every Shabbos. She said that she told Hashem, "Don't be afraid. Even if my daughter becomes engaged, I won't stop saying Tehillim."

Below is an excerpt from a State Department briefing of July 29th at the start of a nine month process to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Matt Lee asks the following question.

QUESTION: Can you point to a single – just, I’m just curious; I’m really not trying to be a jerk about this. I just want to know what example can you point to as being something that has worked in the past?

MS. PSAKI: I’m not going to read out for you their discussions of what lessons they’ve learned from the past and how they’ll apply them moving forward.

QUESTION: Sorry, the nine-month timetable, when does that start from? That’s starts --

MS. PSAKI: Starts now.

QUESTION: -- from today?

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.

...QUESTION: So a child conceived today, if all goes well – (laughter) – should be born with a Palestinian state.

Nine months later - no baby and the Free Beacon reports on the exchange between reporter Matt Lee and State Department Spokesperson Psaki in which she "declined to name a single benefit from the now failed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations Tuesday in the State Department press conference."
Click here to listen to the exchange.

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