
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

29 Apr 2014

An ear that listens

Breitbart has a Foxnews report containing the audio of John Kerry speaking at the Trilateral Commission using the word "apartheid" in connection to remarks about Israel. At the end of the report a journalist at Foxnews relates that they have has obtained a letter from the Trilateral Commission which was written to Secretary of State Kerry "apologizing for the breach of privacy" and suggesting that the reporter who initially broke the story had surreptitiously recorded it.
Click here to listen to the audio recording and to view the Foxnews report.

So, if one believes his words aren't being recorded, is he free to say whatever he thinks?

Ayin Roah Veozen Shomaat – There is an eye that sees and an ear that listens

A surreptitious recording would really come in useful as far as bearing witness to the exchange betweeen J Street leader Talia Lepson and pro-Israel student Daniel Mael in which both sides have witnesses to back up their completely contradictory accounts.

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