
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

5 Nov 2013

Malcolm Gladwell on faith and "desirable difficulty"

Did you ever have the experience of learning a new word, only to see it over and over again in the days following your seeing the word for the first time?
This weekend I visited a friend who was reading a book called Outliers by Malcom Gladwell, an author I had never heard of before. She proceeded to give me a synopsis, and recommended that I read the book. I read the first chapter, found it interesting and asked her if I could borrow it once she was done with it.
Imagine my surprise when I was perusing the Blaze this morning and found an article titled The Biblical Insight From a Writer at The New Yorker That Left Glenn Beck Stunned which details statements made by Malcolm Gladwell in an interview with Mr. Beck.
“Sometimes people of faith don’t always understand how powerful their faith makes them,” he remarked.  “…There were lots of committed Christians in France who didn’t have the courage to go up against the Nazis because they thought they were at a hopeless disadvantageous … It’s just this little group in the mountain who thought, ‘Woah, armed with the spirit of the Lord, we can more than hold our own against a bunch of guys with tanks.’”
Gladwell also proceeded to highlight how David’s slingshot was far superior for the task at hand than conventional weapons, like a sword and shield.
“David understands that with superior technology and the spirit of the lord, ‘I am not the underdog,’” Gladwell remarked. “With those two things on his side, he’s the favorite isn’t he?”

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