
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

20 Nov 2013

Distractions, challenges, self-control and achievement

VIN posted a video of Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein lecturing at the Agudah conference in which he spoke, among other things, about distractions and challenges facing our children nowadays.

“Apple comes out with a new iPhone every single six months: fresh, new, shiny, exciting. They are throwing at our children fresh, new, shiny, exciting. The yetzer hara doesn’t put avak on that, so our kids are getting hit with all this new stuff, new technology. We have to fight it with a Torah that is shining…a Torah that is exciting, not something that is just a subject.”

Click here to listen to the rabbi's words.

Angela Duckworth speaks about today's challenges in a video below titled Will Power: Grit, Self-control, and Achievement. If you have an hour's time, it is definitely worth listening to.


  1. Our long lecture, courtesy of a Sinit. Oi. I mean, yay!

  2. She sounds like Jodie Foster {over-educated, but affluent, whose leather lulls an audience into Psychological Mumbo-Jumbo, with all due respect}. Will Smith and William James in a single breadth, really?

    James Ronin (@jaredronin) to Jared Kirby (@jaredkirby): It seems we've polarized.

    I learned a Lot, while mi bones on fire screamed for Rach in agony. B"H

    R' Wallerstein is literally waking mi up a mere 2 minutes into his unencumbered lecture, how ever. No veneers. Just tRUTH.
