
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

15 Nov 2012

Nosei be'ol chaveiro

Chadrei Charedim reported about a speech given in the wake of the situation in Israel.

Rosh Yeshiva of Ponovezh, Rav Povarsky,  addressed the yeshiva students today about the power of Torah to protect and save  and how we are losing the protection because of people's dismissive attitudes towards the Torah and its Sages.

The Rav referred to an interpretation of Chazal to the verse in kings 1:1 about King David and how "they covered him with clothes, but he couldn’t keep warm." Rabbi Yosi ben Hanina said that he who shows contempt for his clothes doen't enjoy them. Since "David arose and cut the coat," therefore he could not be kept warm with clothes.

The Rav stated that this also extends to any holy thing. When a person is dismissive of something holy, it will not stand in his merit. For example, a person who shows disrespect to prayer should not be surprised if  prayer will not help in time of trouble.

Rav Povarksy said that the state of contempt with respect to Torah and its sages was unheard of in recent generations, and thus it is no wonder that the lack of honor serves to weaken the power of the protection of Torah. We should do all within our means to strengthen it.

We must also share in the burden of the hundreds of thousands of our brethren in Southern Israel and it is our duty to strengthen ourselves in learning Torah and in relations with our fellow men.

Below is an incredible video of remarkable individuals who are sharing in the burden and heeding the Rav's call of strengthening our relations with our fellow men.

Finallly, check out this post titled Jerusalem predictions.

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