
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

30 Nov 2012

Israel and the Palestinians

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has detailed the terrorist activities and affiliations of Palestinians the New York Times claimed were simply “cameramen” in a report that accused Israel of targeting journalists in the Gaza Strip.

The IDF titled its rejoinder “How Hamas and Islamic Jihad Use Journalism as a Cover for Terrorism.” The title is a jab at the Times, which had headlined its story “Using War as Cover to Target Journalists.”
Continue reading: http://freebeacon.com/idf-to-nyt-we-targeted-terrorists-not-journalists/

Jewish groups reacted with dismay over the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to vote in favor of upgrading the status of the Palestinian Authority to observer state today. Many concluded that the impact of the outcome on efforts to achieve peace with the Arabs will be profoundly negative. Below are some of the reactions:
AIPAC: “The United Nations General Assembly recklessly set back the chances for peace between Israelis and Palestinians today when it granted non-member observer state status to the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Continue reading: http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/11/29/american-jewish-leaders-and-groups-blast-united-nations-palestinian-authority-vote/

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