
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

5 Aug 2012

MeiReishis Hashana

"Einei Hashem Elokecho Bah MeiReishis Hashana Ad Acharis Shanah; The eyes of Hashem are always upon it, from the beginning of the year until year's end." (11:12) The Satmar Rebbi, Zt"l, asks, "Why does the pasuk say by Raishis - 'Hashana', but by 'Acharis' it only says, 'Shanah'?"

He answers, that the nature of people is that in the beginning of a new year, when people are in the Tshuva mode, they say, "This year I will be better. This year I will give more Tzedoka, I will watch my anger, and learn more Torah. This will be THE year!" But when the year passes and he didn't fulfill any of his "New Year Resolutions", he sees that the year, which he thought would be THE year, turned out to be "just another year". The pasuk says, by "Raishis Hashana" - in the beginning he thinks this year will be Hashana - the year, but at the end of the year it's only "Acharis Shanah" - just another year.

We say in the Kedusha of Mussaf, "Hain Goaltie Eschem Acharis KiRaishis; When will I redeem you?" says Hashem, "when 'Acharis KiRaishis' - the end of the year will be like the beginning." When all the promises and resolutions that one makes before Rosh Hashana, will still be in place at the end of the year, that is when the Geula will come!
Read full article: http://revach.net/parshas-hashavua/quick-vort/Parshas-Eikev-Satmar-Rov-The-Beginning-Of-The-Big-Year/2646

Those of have seven hours to spare can click on the link to the Siyum Hashas presentation that Matzav pointed me to this evening.

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