
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

6 Jun 2012

Vayehi binsoa haaron

Looking at the beginning of Chumash Bamidbar we seem to see a very ideal situation where Am Israel is in the desert learning torah, traveling according to G-d's commandment and all united to do the right thing. It is just after the pssukim of "Vayehi binsoa haaron" that we witness a horrifying downfall. Am yisrael begin to complain, they want more food and in a sudden reaction Moshe tells Hashem that he can not stay as a leader with such a nation.. Moshe does not seem like a teacher that his best student just failed a test but rather as a teacher who already gave up hope. How is it that after such a beautiful beginning of Chumash Bamidbar Moshe acts like Am Yisrael - his students - are so bad. If it only a single downfall, where does this reaction come from?
Read full article: http://www.torahmitzion.org/eng/resources/show.asp?id=695

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