
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

7 Jun 2012

Touched by two stories

The Lakewood Scoop has a happy ending story about a missing diamond, a bracha and a donation to tzedakah.
Click here to read what happened.

Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis writes about the gift of unity.

Let us not forget that in the generation of Dovid HaMelech the people were meticulous in their observance of mitzvos, but just the same they were doomed and failed in battle.

On the other hand, evil King Achav, an idol worshiper, was granted success. What was the secret behind this failure and victory? Despite its dedication to mitzvos, the generation of Dovid was fragmented by divisiveness and jealousy. On the other hand, Achav’s generation, despite its idolatry, was united by brotherly love – and in front of the Throne of Hashem, that unity outweighs all else.
Read full article: http://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/rebbetzins-viewpointrebbetzin-jungreis/the-gift-of-unity/2012/06/06/2/


  1. Quesion: Even If it is the unity of evil? Read that he was blessed because, as wicked and as vile, that he and his wife, Izevel, were, he expanded the Land of Israel and made it greater and that is why the sages were deliberating whether he would have a portion in the World to Come, because of that mitzvah. The unity of the Jewish people must be with 'one heart', but under Torah.

  2. Moriah: Where is there loshon hara here? A topic on Torah is now lashon hara? You do realize that the post is about King Achav and Queen Jezebel from the Kingdom of Israel, who were evil. Remember the story of Eliyahu Hanavi against the false priests of Baal on the Carmel. Loshon hara? Unreal.

  3. To anonymous who asked about unity.

    The standard answer to the question "Why was the dor hamabul punished so much more than the dor hapalaga, even though the dor hamabul were (only) sinning bein adam l'chaveiro but the dor hapalaga were waging war against Hashem?" is that the dor hapalaga were all united together, and even though they had bad motives, that unity was a big positive in their favor.

    And as far as the comment about lashon hara, I don't understand it. I try to be careful with my posts but feel free to email me at Devorah@live.co.uk to explain what you meant and I will gladly take down this post if there is lashon hara in it.
