
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

8 Sept 2011

Our day in court

Yeranen Yaakov posted an email that he received on his blog. It was a summons to court, written in Hebrew, to all members of the Jewish nation for a case that will take place on Rosh Hashana where we will be judged for sins such as bitul Torah, sins committed in financial matters and personal relationships, etc. It gave me a shock to realize that we are indeed going to have a court case very soon.
I remember many years ago that a man in the neighborhood was involved in a case involving his nursing home. The man could barely function, being too nervous to eat or sleep properly. And, how many of us are nervous when we are involved in a minor court case such as a traffic violation? So, why are we going about our everyday business without a care about the major case we will be summoned to in a few weeks?
The parsha this week begins with the words "If you go out to war against your enemies." Our biggest enemy is the yetzer hara which threatens to destroy us internally. Let's try to overcome our personal struggles, pray with greater fervor and prepare a good defense for the court case that is soon upon us.

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