Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, Shlita has initiated a great Project entitled DAY TO DISCONNECT. On October 2, 2011, as we observe Tzom Gedaliah, Rabbi Wallerstein hopes to come to the Kosel with 1 million registered hours of disconnection from cell phones and laptops for that day. The minimum disconnect time per person in order to register is 1 hour(you can do the entire 24 hour period as well!). By signing up on www.daytodisconnect.com you are choosing to make a commitment to disconnect from technology in a unified effort to synchronize a meaningful hour or hours with yourself, your friends, your family and/or with Hashem.
Read full article: http://www.localjewishnews.com/2011/09/05/day-to-disconnect/
Beth Arnold has penned an article titled Letter From Paris: 28 Days (Without the Internet) in which she describes how she plans to spend four weeks away from the internet.
In the meantime, I envision "28 days (without the internet)" as the emotional, physical, and spiritual journey of our time; the journey that millions of people feel in their hearts they need to take, but haven't yet been shown the way; the journey from the Internet back to the inner self.
Read full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/beth-arnold/letter-from-paris-28-days_b_961783.html
In case Rabbi Wallerstein, Shlit"a has forgotten, I'd respectfully remind him that we have a "Day to Disconnect" every week and it lasts a full 25 hours. It's called Shabbos...