
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

13 Sept 2009

Psychologically Speaking: Let's start the day over again By DR. BATYA L. LUDMAN

Many years ago when my children were younger, if the day got off to a bad start, I'd tell them that they must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. I'd make them go upstairs, wait a few minutes, come back downstairs and start the day all over again with a wonderful, "Good morning mommy." In retrospect, I can't believe how well it worked every time; I was shocked. The day began anew and their mood was much improved. They were grateful for the second chance and, more importantly, they got to save face and do it right. Ah, if only life could always be this easy and we could simply erase that part of our past that we weren't so happy with.
Would we be grateful to be given the opportunity to try it again so we could get it right? Could we really see the first time as a dress rehearsal, and then maximize the next go-round as the second and final opportunity to do or say just what we really need to? It's Elul again, and for me it is a reminder that it is a perfect time to once again focus on forgiveness - of others and ourselves - and this time to "get it right." Many people have angered and upset me over the years - be they family, friends or even strangers. I also have many loved ones who are nearing the end of their lives. I want to make sure that when all is said and done, I too leave with a clean slate. Given that I may never know just when that may be, I've tried to make sure that at the end of each day, I'm in a positive balance with those I care about.

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