
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

6 Sept 2022

Nidon Al Shem Sofo

The parsha discusses the Ben Sorer Umoreh - the wayward and rebellious son. His Avairah is that he stole from his father and bought and ate Tarteimar (a certain weight) of meat and a half of a Log of wine. What's so terrible about this Avairah that should warrant the death penalty for this child? Rashi tells us that the sentence is based on the Avairah he will transgress at later time (Nidon Al Shem Sofo). He will eventually exhaust his father's money, and stand at the crossroads and steal and kill other people. Therefore the Torah says, "let him die as an innocent person and not die as a guilty person."

The Meforshim ask, why do find by Yishmael that the Torah judged him "Baasher Hu Sham" - in his current state? We see in Bereishis 21:17, when Yishmael was dying of thirst, the Malachim said to Hashem, "Why are you about to save Yishmael? His descendants will kill Klal Yisroel, at the time of the churban, by thirst. Why should you cause a miracle to happen to him and give him water?" Hashem answered, "Right now he is righteous, I will judge him based on his current status. Why then is the Ben Sorer Umoreh judged based on what he will do in the future?

The Maharal answers, at the the time that Yishmael was dying, he did not commit any Avairah with regard to holding back water from Klal Yisroel. Therefore Hashem judged him based on his current status. On the hand, the Ben Sorer Umoreh already started committing the Avairah that will lead him to kill - stealing from his father and buying and eating Tarteimar (a certain weight) of meat and a half of a Log of wine. That is why he is punished now for his future sin.


Mincha of Yom Kippur - R. Yaakov Mizrahi

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