
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

25 Oct 2018

No idea

We Have No Idea What Others Are Going Through

"VaTabeit Ishto MeiAcharav", Lot's wife looked behind. "VaTehi Netziv Melach", and she became a pillar of salt (Bereishis 19:26). The Kli Yakar asks, why does it say she looked behind "him"? It should say she looked behind herself, "MeiAchareha".

The Kli Yakar explains that Lot's wife was deeply distressed that she couldn't save her money, as the Malachim rushed them out and told them to forget about their wealth that would be left behind (see Rashi 19:17). Now on the run she was concerned with how she will survive if her husband, now penniless dies. MeiAcharav means she looked past him, past his lifetime and worried about the money.

This worry brought back memories of her aveira of thriftiness and that she refused to give tzedaka or Hachnosas Orchim. Melach, salt is a preservative. Chazal tell us that tzedoka is the salt to preserve our wealth. Therefore, she who refused to give tzedoka, both back in Sedom and even now on the run, she who had not learned her lesson, turned into salt.

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