
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

13 Dec 2017

The nights of Chanukah

“It’s Not for Him to Give”

Video: The Immortal Flame

I received the words below in an email. It was a comment posted at the end of a 2015 Shirat Devorah post on Chanukah Segulot.

The Kedushas Levi says that each night of chanuka is mesugal for different things to daven for.
1st night -not to be lonely or depressed.
2nd night- shidduchim, shalom bayis
3rd night- good children,happy children, healthy
(Chasam Sofer says when u cry in front of the candles u can be sure your tefilos are answered)
4th night- 4 imahos
To be a normal woman, in my 4 walls, of true essence
5th night - chamisha chumshei Torah
Daven your husband should be a talmid chacham.
By the 5th night more of the menorah is lit up can daven for more light in your life, for a revelation.
6th night - simcha
You can have everything and still be sad, so opportunity to daven for simcha.
7th night -happy shabbos
Zmiros, divrei Torah by your seuda. Shabbos is source of all bracha.
8th nignt-mesugal for barren women
8 is above nature, powerful day to daven.
Kedushas Levi says if you are planning to start something new, if you start on chanuka it will be blessed.

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