
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

17 Oct 2017

Torah, morals and ethics

Lubavitcher Rebbe's letter is a guide for Kotel mixed prayer issue

Watch: Lazer Becomes Bar Mitzvah

Scolding UNESCO, GOP lawmakers introduce resolution on Jewish ties to Jerusalem

A great fanfare is made over the fact that Noach was a tzaddik but could not save his generation from the Mabul. The mefarshim explain that he didn't believe it would happen or that he didn't push them to do tshuva, choosing to perfect himself instead.

The last Sforno at the end of Parshas Bereishis has a different approach, that explains the difficulty of the latter pshat, since he spent 120 years building the teiva precisely for the reason that people will see and question him and he can explain the the problem and how to rectify it. The Sforno says that while Noach did spend his time urging people to do tshuva and correct their bad ways, he did not teach them Torah. He did not teach them to go in the way of Hashem.

A person is not complete without Torah. If you only make yourself holy with Torah you can save yourself but will not save others. The Torah is the only foundation you can build on. A chinuch built on a foundation of moral and ethical behavior did not change the people and therefore Noach was accused of only saving himself and not the rest of his generation because he did not teach them Torah.

Similarly, when we raise our children we need to teach them to be moral and ethical, but that is not enough. We must teach them Torah, Emunah, Bitachon. We must teach them to go in the ways of Hashem. That is the way we build a generation that will be light unto the nations and be worthy to bring the Moshiach.

As opposed to the above devar TorahA growing share of Americans say it’s not necessary to believe in God to be moral. Which side do you stand on?

1 comment:

  1. Our Sages foretold that at the end of days, athiesm will be the most believed 'religion'. Technology will have taken over and people will think they need no G-D and they will consider themselves godly. Stupidity has no limits and will bring them to their own destruction.
