
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

23 Feb 2016

Purim Katan

The orher day I posted about an initiative to challenge oneself with improving one's middos by signing up to a weekly email. Today I received an email regarding Purim Katan and Jewish unity. The email linked to an excellent shiur delivered last year by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein which can be viewed here.
Additionally a question was posed about why Purim is celebrated in the second Adar in a leap year. The answer can be found at the bottom of Megilah 6b and 7a.

לכבוד פורים: ר' מיילך רקד עם החולה

BDE: HaTzaddik HaRav Nissim Amsellem ZATAL

נתרפאה כל המשפחה: נין ראשון בערלוי אחרי הלוויה

Conservatives ABANDON TWITTER to PROTEST their SHUTTING DOWN of right-wing advocates!!

Kornacki: Biden SCOTUS Comments “Devastating” For Democrats

In yesterday's State Department briefing, Mark Toner spoke about John Kerry meeting the Palestinian leader.
 "They also discussed Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount." http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2016/02/253123.htm#MIDDLEEASTPEACE

It used to be described as Temple Mount, then it became Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, now it's the reverse. In a few years will it be solely described as Haram al-Sharif?

I was curious when the description of the Temple Mount changed so I started looking back at old State Department brieifngs, only to be distracted by something a bit off the topic.
 On December 14, 2011, journalist Said questioned the spokesperson, "Do you have any comment on the burning of Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem today by settlers, a very well-known settler? It was, matter of fact, Baruch Marzel."

A Haaretz article the same day reported on the incident regarding arsonists setting fire to the Nebi Akasha mosque. How Said knew it was Baruch Marzel that set fire to the al-Aqsa Mosque is a wonder to me.

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