Lo tosifu al hadavar asher anochi mitzaveh etchem
No, I will not link to the White House Chanukah reception in which a Reform woman clergy member was asked to recite the blessing of the Menorah and added an extra word to the second blessing.
Sheasah nisim laavoteinu - leimotenu. She also stated, "I also stand here with my fierce family of clergy and black lives matter activists who took to the streetsof Ferguson to stand firm until all members of the community would see G-d in the face of the other... and, of couse, I stand with my sister who lit these lights at the kotel this year.
Daily Emuna lesson
Vatican: Catholics should not try to convert Jews
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No surprise. The Reform movement has nothing to do with Torah Judaism. It is a mockery, so she can feel she can do anything, adding on, and, of course, taking off, which they have already done by the ton. Comic tragedy.